To Join Vaskin Drive Thru On Jagorawi Toll Road, Residents Come Using Ambulance

JAKARTA - Drive thru vaccination on the Jagorawi (Jagorawi) toll road is the most valuable opportunity for a number of people. This was felt by one of the RW heads in the Gunung Putri area, Bogor.

Wadi, his name. He maximized this opportunity by inviting his citizens to be vaccinated.

"For people like me, this activity is very helpful. Moreover, we are confused about getting the vaccine," said Wadi when met at the Cimanggis Utama Toll Gate (GT) KM 18, Wednesday, September 22.

From Dedeep Village, Tlajung Udik Village, Gunung Putri, Wadi brings an ambulance every day. It contains residents who want to be vaccinated by bringing them to the drive thru vaccination on the Jagorawi Toll Road.

"I've been here for 3 days in a row. Every day I go back and forth twice. I purposely use an ambulance to accommodate residents. I bring at least 9 people every day," said Wadi.

According to Wadi, the vaccine quota available in his area is very limited. Therefore, Wadi feels grateful that there is a vaccine opportunity on toll roads like this.

"There are still many people who have not been vaccinated. I really hope to bring more people so they can be vaccinated," he said.

The coordinator of vaccine activities at KM 18, Pelda Eko Prasetyo admitted that there were a number of RT/RW devices that brought their citizens for vaccines. Eko appreciated the RT/RW device initiative.

"This activity has started from September 1 to September 30. So far it has been around ten days of implementation, we see from day to day, the enthusiasm of the residents looks very high. Today several RT / RW devices facilitate their residents to come to KM 18," said Eko.

Monitoring at the location, the queue of vehicles seemed to be crawling densely. Eko hopes that there will be additional officers to help regulate traffic and others.

"For the current team, we need additional security officers, traffic controllers. Considering the enthusiasm of the residents is very high," said Eko.

The drive-thru vaccination activity is titled TNI Vaccine Attack. This activity is a collaboration between TNI Headquarters and Jasa Marga. This activity is planned to be held until September 30, 2021.