Listening To The Complaints Of Farmer Groups Defending Land, Jokowi Issues Warning About Agrarian Conflict

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) wants no more agrarian conflicts involving small communities. Moreover, every year he always accepts farmer groups who are willing to walk from their home areas to fight for their rights.

"I understand very well that agrarian conflicts and land disputes are serious challenges faced by farmers and fishermen as well as the community in cultivating land," said Jokowi when handing over a certificate of land redistribution for the object of agrarian reform which was broadcast on the Presidential Secretariat's YouTube, Wednesday, September 22. .

"Every year I receive farmer groups who are willing to come all the way to Jakarta and some even walk to Jakarta to fight for their lands affected by agrarian conflicts," he added.

Thus, he reminded all his staff to stop harmful agrarian conflicts. Jokowi also asked all parties to provide legal certainty over land owned and managed by the community.

"I also don't want entrepreneurs to have no legal certainty over their business land. This means that legal certainty over land that provides justice to all parties is in our common interest," he said.

Jokowi said that his party had repeatedly held limited meetings related to agrarian conflicts and invited regional heads. Not only that, he also invited civil society organizations to discuss finding a good solution.

Moreover, many conflicts related to this land have been going on for a long time. In fact, Jokowi said, some have not been completed for up to 40 years.

So that the government is committed to providing fair legal certainty for all parties without exception.

"I reiterate the state's commitment to truly unravel existing agrarian conflicts, realize agrarian reform for the community, and ensure the availability and certainty of a fair living space for the people," said Jokowi.

Furthermore, Jokowi also handed over 124,120 land certificates resulting from redistribution in various regions in Indonesia. The handover, which coincides with the 2021 Agrarian and Spatial Planning Day, is special because the land has just been distributed to the people.

"This is really a new addition of land for the people. This is fresh land that really comes from state land resulting from conflict resolution, abandoned land, and the release of forest areas," he said.