Only Three Months In Office, East Kolaka Regent Andi Mery Nur Arrested By KPK

KENDARI - The regent of East Kolaka, Southeast Sulawesi (Sulawesi), Andi Mery Nur, was caught in a sting operation (OTT) by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). This female regent has only served for three months.

Andi Mery Nurtu was inaugurated by the Governor of Southeast Sulawesi Ali Mazi on June 14, 2021, at the Governor's Office.

The regent has also served as the regent of East Kolaka for only 99 days.

Regent Andi Mery Nur previously advanced as Deputy Regent of East Kolaka in pairs with Samsul Bahri Majid (late) in the 2020 Pilkada in East Kolaka Regency. Both won the five-year contest.

The two were then inaugurated as Regent and Deputy Regent of East Kolaka by the Governor of Southeast Sulawesi Ali Mazi on February 26, 2021.

However, East Kolaka Regent Samsul Bahri Majid, who had been sworn in for less than a month, died after playing football in the area on March 19, 2021.

With the death of Regent Samsul Bahri Majid, Andi Mery Nur then served as Acting Regent of East Kolaka until he was sworn in as the definitive Regent on June 14, 2021.

Currently, East Kolaka Regent Andi Mery Nur is being investigated by the KPK in the building of the Special Criminal Investigation Directorate of the Southeast Sulawesi Regional Police along with five other people.

The Head of Sub-Division of Public Relations of the Southeast Sulawesi Regional Police, Kompol Dolfi Kumaseh in Kendari, said the five other people being examined were staff.

"What is clear is that there are six people in total, the regent and five of his staff," he said as quoted by Antara, Wednesday, September 22.

East Kolaka Regent Andi Mery Nur was caught by the KPK OTT in the Rate-Rate District, East Kolaka Regency on Tuesday, September 21 at around 21.00 WITA.

Meanwhile, regarding what cases were examined and what evidence was secured, said Dolfi, it was up to the KPK to explain.

Dolfi said that after the examination, East Kolaka Regent Andi Mery Nur would be flown to Jakarta this afternoon. "Today it will be examined and the plan will be taken to Jakarta," he said.

Based on the information gathered, the East Kolaka Regent arrived at the Southeast Sulawesi Regional Police on Wednesday, September 22 in the morning at around 02.00 WITA using a four-wheeled vehicle.

Until this news was revealed at 11.39 WITA, the East Kolaka Regent along with five other people were being investigated by the KPK in one of the rooms of the Special Criminal Investigation Directorate of the Southeast Sulawesi Regional Police.