Waskita Karya EGMS Approves Rights Issue Of 24.56 Billion Shares, Badrodin Haiti And Fadjroel Still In The Board Of Commissioners

JAKARTA - The Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (EGMS) of PT Waskita Karya (Persero) Tbk in 2021 which took place on Tuesday 21 September approved the plan to increase capital by issuing new shares (right issue).

"The company has obtained approval for additional capital through a rights issue by issuing new shares of up to 24.56 billion Series B shares with a nominal value of Rp 100 per share through a limited public offering mechanism," said Waskita Karya President Director Destiawan Soewardjono in a written statement, quoted from Antara, Wednesday 22 September.

Destiawan added that the company obtained approval to make changes to the articles of association, one of which concerns the company's authorized capital in connection with the implementation of the rights issue.

"The company also obtained approval to carry out a business transformation to support the selection of performance and financial conditions affected by the COVID-19 pandemic," he said.

Currently, the company is focused on implementing Waskita's 8 Financial Restructuring Streams, consisting of the restructuring process of the parent and subsidiary, government guarantees, State Equity Participation (PMN) and rights issue, toll road asset divestment, construction completion, business transformation, as well as GCG implementation and management. risk.

This strategy has been implemented by the company this year and has had a significant effect on financial performance in the first half of 2021, as recorded in the Financial Statements as of June 30, 2021.

In total performance in the first half of 2021, the company recorded a net profit of Rp. 33 billion, an increase of 102.5 percent compared to the same period the previous year.

The improvement in the company's financial performance is a positive impact on the implementation of the company's financial restructuring strategy. With the implementation of Waskita's 8 Financial Restructuring Streams and full support from the government, the company can continue to contribute to national economic growth, especially in infrastructure development in Indonesia.

- https://voi.id/economy/81252/waskita-karya-minta-pmn-rp3-triliun-untuk-selesaikan-2-ruas-tol

- https://voi.id/economy/86545/bni-mandiri-bri-btpn-bsi-bjb-bank-dki-bank-of-china-dll-support-restructuring-utang-rp29-2-triliun-waskita -work

- https://voi.id/economy/86651/fitch-yakini-bumn-construction-like-ptpp-waskita-karya-wika-dll-bakal-bawa-kabar-cepat-nantinya-raup-untung-di-kuartal -iv

- https://voi.id/economy/79159/bni-mandiri-bri-btpn-bsi-bjb-bank-dki-bersatu-padu- Selamatkan-waskita-karya-yang-punya-utang-rp29-triliun

- https://voi.id/economy/78091/waskita-gunakan-pmn-rp7-6-triliun-untuk-bangun-7-ruas-tol-6-di-jawa-1-di-sumatera


As for other agendas approved by the EGMS, the Company confirmed the implementation of the Regulation of the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises, one of which was regarding guidelines for proposing, reporting, monitoring and changing the use of additional PMN.

Then approval regarding changes in the composition of the Company's management. With the end of the EGMS which was held on September 21, 2021, the composition of the company's management became:

board of Commissioners

President Commissioner/Independent Commissioner: Badrodin Haiti

Independent Commissioner: Bambang Setyo Wahyudi

Independent Commissioner: Muradi

Commissioner: T Iskandar

Commissioner: Ahmad Erani Yustika

Commissioner: Dedi Syarif Usman

Commissioner: M Fadjroel Rachman


President Director: Destiawan Soewardjono

Director of Finance and Risk Management: Taufik Hendra Kusuma

Director of HCM and System Development: Hadjar Seti Adji

Director of Business Development and Quality, Safety, Health, Environment: Arijanti Erfin

Director of Operations I: I Ketut Pasek Senjaya Putra

Director of Operations II: Bambang Rianto

Director of Operations III: Gunadi