Depok Was Hit By A Storm, How's The Weather All Day?

JAKARTA - A number of billboards, banners and trees were uprooted due to rain and super strong winds in Depok, Tuesday, September 21 yesterday. How's the weather today in Depok?

Reporting from BMKG, this is the weather forecast in Depok for Wednesday, September 22, 2021.

10:00 a.m

Weather in Depok is predicted to be cloudy with an average temperature of 30 degrees.

13.00 WIB

It is predicted that it will rain in Depok with a predicted temperature of 31 degrees. However, the intensity is still light with wind speeds reaching 10 km/hour. This condition is predicted to continue until 16.00 WIB.

19.00 WIB

Entering the evening, the temperature in Depok will drop to 25 degrees. Rain is also expected to fall again with winds of 10 km/hour.

22.00 WIB

The sky in Depok is predicted to be cloudy. No rain. The temperature is 24 degrees.

Previously, the Depok KPU Office on Jalan Kartini No. 19 Pancoranmas was hit by a mango tree. The incident occurred when heavy rain accompanied by lightning and strong winds hit Depok City on Tuesday, September 21. It rained heavily for about 3 hours. From 15:00 to 18:00 WIB. Because the wind was so strong and the mango leaves were thick, it broke the trunk of a very large tree and hit the roof of the KPU Depok office.

Seeing this phenomenon, the Head of the BMKG Public Relations Sub-section, Ririn, said that the hail occurred because it was starting to enter a transitional or transitional season.

"Conditions often occur during the transition period due to the presence of cb or cumulonimbus clouds which have very cold cloud top temperatures," Ririn told VOI, Wednesday, September 22.

Ririn said that the cumulonimbus clouds occur due to the heating energy during the day. Thus, convective clouds form in the late afternoon.

Ririn asked the public to remain calm but always be vigilant in the face of extreme weather that has the potential to cause a hydrometeorological disaster.

"Essentially, the public is asked to be aware of extreme weather, especially during transitions or transitions, such as heavy rain accompanied by strong winds, thunderstorms and hail," he said.