Mothers Who Want To Give Birth Must Be Carried On A Stretcher Through A Steep Path In Mulyorejo Jember

JEMBER - While being widely shared on social media and WhatsApp groups, videos of mothers who are about to give birth are carried on a stretcher. The road conditions are quite steep.

The video was taken in the Mulyorejo Village area, Silo District, Jember. The video, which lasts 1 minute 17 seconds, records a woman who is very pregnant on a stretcher on a stretcher through a rocky road.

The Acting Head of Mulyorejo Village, Dedeh Sugianto confirmed the incident. The mother was about to give birth on a stretcher in Baban Tengah Hamlet on Tuesday, September 21.

"It happened this morning at 7," he told reporters.

Mothers about to give birth had to be carried on a stretcher because the connecting bridge in the area was being renovated. While the alternative road can not be passed by car.

The mother was unloaded from the car and then on a stretcher to be carried by ambulance from the other side of the bridge.

"Those who gave birth were moved. Until the location of the bridge was carried to the car," he said.

From the location, the mother was taken to the health center. The woman gave birth to her baby safely.