Recognizing The Insulin Resistance Experienced By Type 2 Diabetes Patients

JAKARTA – For people with diabetes mellitus, especially type 2, changes in the body as symptoms are not felt until they are finally diagnosed with the disease. Type 2 diabetes is considered a metabolic disease. One of the causes is the occurrence of insulin resistance in the body.

How insulin works in the body

Citing the Center for Disease Control and Prevention page, Tuesday, September 21, insulin is a key holder in developing type 2 diabetes. Insulin is a vital hormone that regulates blood sugar or glucose in the body.

Drinks and food consumed will be broken down into blood sugar. Then the blood sugar enters the bloodstream and signals the pancreas to release insulin. Well, insulin helps blood sugar enter the body's cells so that it can be processed as energy.

Another vital function of insulin is to signal the liver to store blood sugar for later use. When blood sugar enters the body's cells, insulin levels will decrease. Then ordered the liver to release blood sugar stores so that energy is always available even though you have not received food intake.

The process is when the metabolism is smooth and does not experience insulin resistance.

What is insulin resistance?

Insulin resistance occurs when the pancreas pumps out more insulin, which is responsible for getting blood sugar into the cells, but the cells stop responding to all that insulin.

The pancreas produces more insulin because the cells do not respond. Until finally the pancreas can not follow and cause blood sugar continues to rise. High blood sugar in the vessels can damage the body if it is not immediately transferred to the cells.

It also doesn't stop the liver and muscles from storing blood sugar. When full, the liver sends excess blood sugar to fat cells for storage. Then there is weight gain. And it is designated as resistant to prediabetes and type 2 diabetes.

Symptoms of insulin resistance

There is no specific test to confirm insulin resistance. It's just that, when blood sugar levels rise, high triglycerides, high bad cholesterol, high low cholesterol, it can be ascertained that you have insulin resistance.

Causes of insulin resistance

The cause of insulin resistance is not clear. But people who have a family history of type 2 diabetes, are overweight, and lack exercise have a higher risk of developing insulin resistance. In fact, there are a number of people who are not overweight can also develop insulin resistance.

To minimize the potential for developing type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance, it is recommended to maintain a healthy diet, lose weight, exercise regularly, reduce stress, and get enough rest.