Even Though It's Down To PPKM Level 2, The COVID-19 Handling Scenario In Mataram Is Still Using Level 3

MATARAM - Mataram City, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Province managed to drop to the level 2 zone of PPKM implementation after being at level 3 position since August 10, 2021.

"Alhamdulillah, thanks to our hard work and community participation in health protocols (prokes), from today the City of Mataram is at PPKM level 2," said Mataram Mayor H Mohan Roliskana in Mataram, Antara, Tuesday, September 21.

The statement was delivered in response to the Instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 44 of 2021, concerning PPKM Levels 4, 3, 2 and 1, as well as optimizing the COVID-19 handling post at the village/kelurahan level to control the spread of COVID-19 for the areas of Sumatra, Nusa Tenggara, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Maluku and Papua.

According to the Mayor, the Instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs stated that Mataram City was one of the cities outside Java and Bali which was declared successful in dropping from level 3 to level 2.

The city of Mataram has succeeded in lowering the PPKM level, because a number of COVID-19 prevention parameters have been implemented so as to reduce the occupancy capacity of beds in hospitals by up to 20 percent.

In addition, the cure rate also increased to 95.0 percent from the previous 93.7 percent, while active cases decreased by 1.6 percent from 2.9 percent, and vaccination coverage reached 74.22 percent.

"Although we have lowered the level, we are still using the PPKM level 3 regulation for handling COVID-19, while looking at the development of the spread of COVID-19 in the future," he said.

He explained that the PPKM level 3 regulation policy was taken as an effort to anticipate the potential for additional COVID-19 cases that could trigger a shift in Mataram City level.

As long as it is at level 3, he continued, the city government has provided relaxation to several sectors including accommodation and services.

"The results can be seen, including with an increase in hotel occupancy which currently reaches 60 percent and the trade sector moves significantly," he said.

In this regard, the current decline to level 2 still refers to the scenario of preventing the spread of COVID-19 at level 3. Including face-to-face learning activities (PTM) it remains at 50 percent of normal capacity.

"Similarly for the trade sector, such as malls, entertainment venues, tourist attractions, cinemas must continue to apply 50 percent capacity," he said.

He also asked the kelurahan-level COVID-19 Handling Task Force to continue to make prevention efforts according to the existing scenario and continue to remind residents not to ignore the COVID-19 prokes.

"We still have a challenge, namely that there are still three neighborhoods in the orange zone or with positive cases of 3-5 people. These three environments are our attention so that they can immediately become yellow zones and then green," he said.

Based on data from the NTB Province COVID-19 vigilance team, last Monday, only one additional COVID-19 patient for Mataram City was reported, then 15 COVID-19 patients were declared cured.

Thus, the number of patients who are still in isolation is 154 people, 6,604 people have recovered and 243 people have died out of a total of 7,001 cases.