The Delay Of Akulaku Annexing Neo Commerce Bank Because The EGMS Is Not Quorum

JAKARTA - The extraordinary general meeting of shareholders (EGMS) of PT Bank Neo Commerce Tbk (BNC) approved the addition of the company's authorized capital from the previous Rp1.5 trillion to Rp3 trillion.

"The purpose of changing the company's authorized capital is in line with the plan to increase the company's paid-in capital to comply with the POJK on Fulfillment of Bank Minimum Capital, as well as to develop our business expansion to support our acceleration as a digital bank in the future," said Director of Neo Commerce Bank Tjandra Gunawan in an official statement. , quoted from Antara, Tuesday, September 21.

Through this change, there was a change in the authorized capital from the original 15 billion shares worth Rp. 1.5 trillion to 30 billion shares valued at Rp. 3 trillion with a nominal value of Rp. 100 per share.

Tjandra said that since the soft launch in March 2021, the growth in the number of BNC customers is very high, which now reaches more than seven million customers.

"This trust is a big responsibility for us and therefore we are very serious in planning business readiness and also the company's business expansion in line with our efforts to become the leading digital bank for the community," he said.

In addition to the increase in the number of customers, he said public interest in BBYB's share ownership has also continued to increase, as indicated by the increase in BBYB's share price, which is now valued at Rp1,520 per share.

BNC requires additional capital of IDR 920 billion so that the company can meet the OJK requirements for a minimum core capital of IDR 2 trillion in 2021 because as of June 31, 2021, Neo Commerce Bank's core capital is IDR 1.18 trillion.

Nevertheless, Tjandra is optimistic that Neo Commerce Bank can meet OJK requirements regarding digital bank core capital ownership of IDR 2 trillion by the end of 2021 and IDR 3 trillion by the end of 2022.

"The trust of shareholders and Neo Customers in Neo Commerce Bank adds to our confidence in meeting this capital ownership target. We strive to be able to meet the core capital requirements faster than those required by the OJK," he added.

"By the end of 2021, BNC targets to have a core capital of up to IDR 3 trillion, which will exceed the minimum target required by the OJK, which is IDR 2 trillion," said Tjandra.


As for the company's plan to ratify PT Akulaku Silvrr Indonesia as controller of BNC, it was delayed because the quorum had not been reached at the EGMS.

The quorum required to ratify this controlling status is 75 percent, while yesterday's meeting was attended by shareholders representing 73.47 percent, only 1.53 percent less. Therefore, the company decided to postpone and will hold a follow-up EGMS in a maximum of 21 days.

"The ratification of PT Akulaku Silvrr Indonesia must be postponed until the next EGMS which will be held within the next 21 days. We are very grateful to the public, media partners, and shareholders who have attended this meeting, and we hope that this ratification will be completed soon. will happen at the next EGMS," said Tjandra.

Previously, as of July 26, 2021, the company had obtained a permit from the OJK with Number SR-16/PB.1/2021 regarding the Plan to Acquire Shares of PT Bank Neo Commerce Tbk. by PT Akulaku Silvrr Indonesia.