The South Sumatra Provincial Government's Great Ambition For The Jakabaring Stadium In The U-20 World Cup

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Football Association (PSSI) has proposed the name Jakabaring Palembang Stadium as one of the venues for the 2021 U-20 World Cup. The World Football Federation (FIFA) has blessed Jakabaring to hold the match.

This is certainly warmly welcomed by the people of South Sumatra (Sumsel). The Governor of South Sumatra, Herman Deru, hopes that Palembang will not only hold matches. He has the ambition to make the Jakabaring Stadium the opening and closing venue for the U-20 World Cup.

"We are seriously fighting to be one of the hosts, so that Palembang will be in the spotlight in the world,"

Governor of South Sumatra, Herman Deru

This grand ambition is not without foundation. Herman Deru said, Jakabaring Stadium has experience in holding international events. Moreover, the facilities and infrastructure are very supportive.

In addition, the South Sumatra Provincial Government has also made careful preparations. Call it in drafting the concept, stadium feasibility, security, comfort, beauty and supporting facilities and others.

"I don't want to play games. I want it to be perfect," he said.

The former Regent of Ogan Komering Ulu (OKU) Timur revealed that representatives of FIFA and PSSI will come to review the readiness of the Jakabaring Stadium in September. Currently, the South Sumatra Provincial Government and the Palembang City Government continue to work to impress the two soccer masters.

Within these two months, Herman Deru asked his staff not only to work hard. He asked all parties to go the extra mile for the best results. The governor also said that all elements have a responsibility for that.

"If I want (Jakabaring Stadium) to be a priority," said Herman Deru.

This Democrat National Party (NasDem) politician then denied the news that the South Sumatra Provincial Government only provided 11 billion funds to organize the U-20 World Cup. He said that the funds were only for physical work to repair the Jakabaring Stadium, Bumi Sriwijaya Stadium and the Athletic Stadium.

Herman Deru ensured that the funds allocated were more than this value considering that this was a World Cup event. The 52-year-old man wants to be a successful host in the event.

"It is impossible for South Sumatra to only spend Rp. 11 billion. It is certain that it will be more than that," he said.