Getting To Know Who Budi Arie Setiadi Is

JAKARTA - Budi Arie Setiadi is the founder and former head of the Projo Volunteer team who is currently appointed as Deputy Minister of Disadvantaged Villages and Transmigration of the Republic of Indonesia for the 2019-2024 period. His background is an activist, volunteer, media practitioner, and also a politician. Budi, his close nickname, succeeded in bringing Jokowi's figure to the reins of RI-1 through his Projo volunteers. He has also served as chairman of Balitbang and Deputy Chairman of the DPD PDI Perjuangan DKI Jakarta.

Who is Budi Arie Setiadi?

Budi Arie Setiadi was born in Jakarta, April 20, 1969. He received his primary school education at Vons Vitae, and continued high school at the Kanisius Collage Jakarta in 1988. Budi chose the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences major at the University of Indonesia while studying, since then he has been intense and active in activities. in the world of the student-campus organization movement. In 1994 he was trusted as the Chairperson of the FISIP UI Student Representative Body (BPM). At the same time he was a Presidium for the UI Student Senate for the period 1994-1995. Concern for the rights and protection of fellow students made Budi join the UI Student Defenders Group (KMP).

Not having been busy enough, Budi jumped into the world of student press as the Executive Editor of the UI Student Voice Magazine during 1993-1994. For two years from 1994 to 1996 he was involved in managing the print media Media Indonesia.

After graduating in 1996, Budi decided to study Development Management at the University of Indonesia for a postgraduate degree. His busy life as an activist and journalist is the reason, so it was not until 2006 that Budi earned his master's degree.

One of them was when he started to establish print media, the moving daily bulletin! The bulletin, which is published every day, except Saturday and Sunday, is one of the media that connects information for internal UI students. Carrying the slogan of UI Student Action Media, this bulletin was first presented on March 9, 1998. It became one of the independent media among other media that guarded the early phase of the reform era. Until the fall of the New Order regime through the fall of President Soeharto, Move! still published until 2002.

With the support of his colleagues, Budi released a print media called Kontan. He spent 5 years honing journalism, so in 2001 he decided to quit. Had not been heard to be active in politics and was exposed, Budi took a break and then appeared again in 2013 at the declaration of Pro Jokowi volunteer, Projo.

Budi Arie and Projo Volunteers

Budi Arie Setiadi is synonymous with the Projo Volunteer label, Pro Jokowi. Even before being elected to the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet as Deputy Minister of Disadvantaged Villages and Transmigration, he was elected a second time in December 2019 as chairman of the Projo Volunteers. With the support of 1,500 cadres from representatives of 34 provinces and 487 districts and cities.

Projo volunteers indeed contain the largest mass on land who have always stood behind Jokowi since 2013. Budi's contribution was offset by his experience in the field coordinating the masses, which was familiar to him. After Projo's volunteer status rose to become a mass organization through a decision from the Minister of Law and Human Rights, it is suspected that the term 'volunteer' has begun to point a little toward the political realm. Especially considering how strong the issue of Projo's dismissal was due to the disapproval of volunteers for the inclusion of Prabowo Subianto's name in the cabinet, which finally did not materialize, when not long after that Budi Arie Setiadi's name was included in Jokowi's scheme as Deputy Minister.

Released on 23 December 2013 by former 98 'student activists and PDI cadres through Congress I, Projo has 3 main objectives, namely: Fighting for Jokowi towards RI-1, Winning Jokowi in the 2014 presidential election, and escorting Jokowi as president.

Budi's task is to take care of the village

When Budi Arie Setiadi arrived, the media discussed his entry into the palace circle, he was officially appointed along with the 11 other deputy ministers. As assistant to the minister, Iskandar Halim, Budi will be appointed as Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Disadvantaged Villages and Transmigration of Indonesia in the next five years.

Then responding to the accusation regarding the disbanding of Projo volunteers after 7 years of existence, the founder of Projo volunteers took a serious response but was a little bit joking.

"This is not an arisan organization (or) a mother-and-mother organization, this is an organization with an AD ART,"

Budi Arie Setiadi, Deputy Minister of DTT RI 2019-2024

The news of the disbandment of Projo volunteers was avoided. In contrast, Budi's feelings for Prabowo Subianto are still reluctant to be together in the president's cabinet. His stance was stated openly that Projo's job to guard the government was followed by the defense of the pairs of bodies against Prabowo. The patriot attitude pinned to the former Kopassus Danjen, whom Jokowi entrusted with national defense, shows that there is no longer any antipathy from the Projo volunteer camp.

After the inauguration, Budi stated the issues surrounding the countryside, that the demographic aspect accompanied by a priority scale in building a developed village would have an impact on the progress of the nation, especially when development starts from the periphery, he said at the Presidential Palace Complex, Jalan Merdeka Utara, Central Jakarta, Friday ( 25/10/2019).

Budi Arie Setiadi's interesting facts

The dynamic world of politics, from hate to love. Had wanted to disband Projo Volunteers and followed his resignation as Chairman, after joining the ranks of the cabinet, Budi began to slowly 'open his heart' to Prabowo Subianto. As if the volunteers from Projo no longer hesitate to call Prabowo a patriot for the sake of defending the country because he accepted the offer as defense minister, even though he was Jokowi's opposition twice.

Corona negative. At the time when government officials were busy, it was rumored that they had been affected by Corona, the test results conducted by Budi and his wife were negative. The results of the medical check-up (MCU) were carried out on March 23, 2020 at the Central Army Hospital, Central Jakarta.


Budi Arie Setiadi's profile

Full Name: Budi Arie Setiadi, S.Sos., MBA

Place and Date of Birth: Jakarta, April 20, 1969

Protestant Christianity

Profession: Politician, Journalist, Activist

Titel / DegreeS.Sos., MBA

Education Master of Development Management, University of Indonesia, 2006FISIP, University of Indonesia, 1996SMA Kolese Kanisius, Central Jakarta, 1988 SD Fons Vitae, Jakarta

Career Journey Deputy Minister of Disadvantaged Villages and Transmigration of the Republic of Indonesia, Advanced Indonesian Cabinet, 2019-2024 Chair of the Projo Volunteer Team, 2013-2019 Head of Balitbang & Deputy Chair of the Jakarta DPD, PDI Perjuangan, 2005-2010 Journalist, Kontan Magazine, 1996-2001Journalist, Mobile, 1998-2001 Journalist, Media Indonesia, 1994-1996