Mount Merapi Launches 18 Times Of Incandescent Lava Falls To The Southwest
JAKARTA - Mount Merapi on the border of the Special Region of Yogyakarta and Central Java released 18 incandescent lava flows with a maximum sliding distance of 1,800 meters to the southwest based on observations on Tuesday at 00.00-06.00 WIB. Development of Geological Disaster Technology (BPPTKG), Hanik Humaida said besides incandescent lava, Merapi also experienced 37 earthquakes with an amplitude of 3-14 millimeters (mm) for 27-137 seconds. In addition, 16 earthquakes with an amplitude of 3-12 millimeters (mm) for 8-19 seconds, 6 times earthquake gusts with an amplitude of 4-17 millimeters (mm) for 6-10 seconds.
During Tuesday morning's observation, smoke from the crater was not observed from the top of the crater of Mount Merapi. The weather on the mountain was cloudy. The wind is blowing weak to moderate to the west with air temperature 14-20 degrees Celsius, humidity 68-90 percent and air pressure 567-709 mmHg. Meanwhile, for the observation period on Monday, September 20 evening, 18.00-24.00 WIB, Mount Merapi recorded 27 times launching incandescent lava with a maximum sliding distance of 1,800 meters to the southwest. Until now BPPTKG still maintains the status of Mount Merapi at Level III or Siaga. Lava avalanches and hot clouds of Mount Merapi are estimated to have an impact on the south-southwest sector including the River Yellow, Boyong, Bedog, Krasak, Bebeng, and Putih. As for when an eruption occurs, the ejection of volcanic material from Mount Merapi can reach a radius of three kilometers from the top of the mountain.