The COVID Party Is A Party Created To Prove Corona Is Lying, The Result Is One Person Died

JAKARTA - A 30-year-old patient died after attending a meeting called the 'COVID party'. People who attended the meeting believed that the virus was a lie.

"Just before the patient dies, they go to the nurse and say, 'I think I made a mistake, I thought it was a hoax,'" said Dr. Jane Appleby, chief medical officer of Methodist Hospital in San Antonio.

"We're just trying to share some real-world examples to help our community realize that this virus is very serious and can spread easily," added Appleby.

Launching The Guardian, Monday, July 13, the COVID Party is a meeting held by someone diagnosed with COVID-19. He wanted to find out if the virus was real and to see if anyone had it.

Appleby did not say when the meeting took place, how many people were present, or how long after the incident the person was hospitalized with COVID-19. The patient is also not publicly identified.

Appleby also said in his recorded comments over the weekend that he had been motivated to disclose the case after fearing a rising number of COVID-19 cases. He said COVID-19 cases were up 22% from just 5% a few weeks ago. A wider age range is affected. Several young people aged 20 and 30 years were very sick and had to be admitted to a Methodist hospital.

"Please wear a mask, stay at home whenever possible, avoid group meetings, and wash your hands," said Appleby.

The call for caution coincided with plans by top officials in Houston, Texas, to return to the lockdown. Hospitals in Texas are struggling to cope with a new surge in COVID-19 cases. Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner said stay-at-home orders were required for the fourth-largest US city.

However, the decision regarding the lockdown rests with the Governor of Texas who is a member of the Republican Party, Greg Abbott. He often opposes the lockdown, saying that it should be a last resort.

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) also continues to warn that people infected with COVID-19 should not attend gatherings. This is because places where people mingle without masks or doing social distancing have a high risk.

Previously a California man died from COVID-19 after going to a party where people were not wearing masks. People who attended the party contracted the virus.