Police Still Investigating Cases Denpasar Health Office Officers Wrongly Entered Data On COVID-19 Patients Died Even Though They Were Still Alive

DENPASAR - The Denpasar, Bali Police Team is still investigating the case of incorrectly entering data on COVID-19 patients in Denpasar. The officer wrote that the patient died even though he was still alive and recovered from COVID-19.

"We are still investigating and we are investigating. Meanwhile, there is indeed a human error factor. We want to show that in inputting this data, it must be really (accurate). Because if he is wrong, there are legal consequences he must face." said Denpasar, Bali Police Chief, Kombes Jansen Avitus Panjaitam, at the Denpasar Police Headquarters, Bali, Monday, September 20.

The police also want to ensure that officials are directly related to COVID-19 data input matters.

"We are still investigating this. Who are the responsible officials there? We will explore how the supervision and actions involved are to prevent and so on," said Jansen.

"Or if he is competent, he deserves not to input data. If it is not feasible, why hire him and so on. We are still investigating," he continued.

Denpasar Police reminded that data entry officers must be careful. If it's wrong, it will have a big impact.

“It takes accuracy and analysis and evaluation of related parties. Because, if you enter the wrong data, it is very dangerous because this has a wide impact. It's not just about the data and globally it's detrimental to all of us," said Jansen.

Previously, the Head of the Denpasar Police Public Relations Subdivision, Iptu Ketut Sukadi, said the patient data was inputted in the New All Record (NAR) application. The officer who entered the wrong data with the initials KMS.

There were two errors, namely the case of JG and DWB patients who were written dead from COVID-19 even though they were still alive.