The COVID-19 Task Force Has Not Made Recommendations For Opening The Cinema

JAKARTA - Chairperson of the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19 Doni Monardo emphasized that his party had not yet made recommendations for opening cinemas during the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Cinemas are included in the category of activities that have not received recommendation from the Task Force. So all activities in closed spaces, the potential for transmission to occur within an hour to 1.5 hours have not received a recommendation," Doni told reporters at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Central Jakarta, Monday, July 13.

He said that so far, the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19 has only allowed outdoor tourism such as national parks or beaches.

"That is what we have just given a recommendation. Meanwhile, we do not allow urban tourism, including entertainment," he said.

Doni said that so far there has been no request for a permit from the local government to his party. He said that every sector opened up during a pandemic must be consulted with the Task Force. "Every activity must be consulted. That is a provision of the law," he said.

He regretted the plan to open theaters on July 29. Moreover, this plan has not yet been communicated to the Task Force.

In fact, communication between cinema service providers and the Task Force is considered important. This is because the Task Force has public health experts and epidemiologists who can provide advice to cinema managers.

Moreover, Doni is not sure that people can obey health protocols when watching movies in theaters.

"Can you guarantee that when he sneezes he actually covers his mouth with a mask or handkerchief. If suddenly it is uncontrolled, then the aerosol will come out, one room could be exposed. So this is a very big risk," he said.

"Later we will try to appeal to the organizers, the association. Please consider it. Be patient first. Better to be patient for a moment to prepare everything rather than hastily making decisions," he added.

Separately, the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Menparekraf) Wishnutama Kusubandio ensured that the health protocol in the cinema had been prepared properly. He reviewed the readiness to apply the new normality protocol to one of Cinema XXI's bishop, at Plaza Senayan, Jakarta, Friday, July 10.

Wishnutama saw firsthand the new standards that have been prepared by cinema managers during the pandemic. Starting from checking body temperature at the entrance, the process of queuing for tickets, purchasing food that can be done by ordering with the application, studios as the location for film exhibitions, and information boards.

All these processes have been prepared with good physical distancing implementation. Including the availability of hand sanitizers at every corner and the readiness of the staff complete with the necessary personal protective equipment. Starting from gloves, masks, and face shields.

"We see how the health protocol in the cinema is implemented. I make sure the simulation runs well. Not only in the cinema, previously we have also seen the simulation of the application of the protocol in various other sub-sectors such as hotels, restaurants and tourist destinations," Wishnutama said. Kemenparekraf page, Saturday, July 11.

Previously, the Association of Indonesian Cinema Managers (GPBSI) agreed to open theaters on Wednesday, July 29. This is following the government which allowed cinemas to open during the COVID-19 pandemic.

GPBSI chairman Djonny Syafruddin said the cinemas to be opened consisted of Cinema XXI, CGV, Cinepolis, Dakota Cinema, Platinum, and New Star Cineplex.

"The cinema industry players have discussed and agreed to be able to resume cinema operations starting Wednesday, July 29, 2020 simultaneously throughout Indonesia," said Djonny in a written statement, Wednesday, July 8.

Ahead of the opening time, GPBSI has also prepared a COVID-19 prevention protocol which will be applied to cinema facilities, employees and visitors.