Alleged Parking Extortion At Kramat Jati Main Market, Market Head: We Call The Parking Manager

JAKARTA - Head of Kramat Jati Main Market Agus Lamun responded to a viral video on social media regarding allegations of illegal levies (extortion) carried out by parking officers at Kramat Jati Main Market, East Jakarta.

According to Agus, his party will immediately check the information regarding the alleged illegal parking.

"We will first check with the parking manager. We are still making calls to the parking manager. Because the parking lot is managed by a third party," he said when contacted by VOI, Monday, September 20.

Agus said that parking at the Kramat Jati Main Market is under the authority of the parking unit, although it is still within the Perumda Pasar Jaya environment.

"Because parking is under the division of another implementing unit, parking. But because he is in Perumda (Pasar Jaya), he is in Perumda but in cooperation with a third party," he said.

As is known, the viral video was uploaded to the Instagram account @viraldki, on Saturday (18/9/2021). Narrated, a visitor wants to get out of the market using his car. However, he was asked to pay Rp 31,000 without a parking receipt.

The victim had asked, "Where is the receipt?", to the parking attendant.

"No uncle. I'm sorry," replied the officer.

"I know all the PD people. Let everyone line up, let all the security guards go down," said the victim.

"I was wrong, uncle, I'm sorry, uncle," replied the officer again.

Until now, the case of alleged illegal parking fees at Kramat Jati Main Market is still being investigated by Perumda Pasar Jaya officers.