TNI-Polri Shooting Contact With KKB Papua Again Happens In Kiwirok

JAYAPURA - A gun battle between members of the TNI-Polri and an armed criminal group (KKB) occurred again in Kiwirok, Gunung Bintang Regency, Papua, Monday, September 20.

"It's true that this morning there was a shootout in Kiwirok, but there were no casualties, especially among members of the TNI-Polri," said the Head of the Bintang Mountains Police, AKBP Cahyo Sukarnito, as quoted by Antara, in Jayapura, Monday, September 20. with the Lamek Taplo group which since Monday, September 13 has been shooting and attacking civilians who are serving as health workers in Kiwirok.

As a result of the attack on health workers, one of them named Gabriela Meilan died after falling with three of her colleagues into a ravine and was abused by the KKB group. Gabriela's body was only successfully evacuated on Friday 17, September afternoon after receiving equipment loan assistance from the Jayapura SAR and is now buried in the house of a Koramil member. Kiwirok, said AKBP Cahyo.

The Head of Police who was contacted from Jayapura admitted that currently the TNI-Polri personnel serving in Kiwirok are relatively large after the addition, including from Brimob. Health workers who are victims of KKB abuse are currently still being treated at Marthen Indey Hospital, Jayapura. The four health workers who are still being treated, namely dr. Restu Pamanggi, Katrianti Tandila, Emanuel Abi, and Kristina Sampe Tonapa.