FTV Artist's Fate In Online Prostitution After A Case Title
JAKARTA - Online prostitution cases allegedly involving artists have re-emerged after active arrests by the Medan police. The police arrested a woman with the initials HH, a Television Film (FTV) artist in connection with an online prostitution case.
However, until now the police have not determined the legal status of the HH artist. This is because until now the police are still investigating this case.
North Sumatra Police Chief, Inspector General Martuani Sormin said, the status of HH could only be determined after investigators conducted a case title. Whether HH is a victim or a suspect.
"Later we will wait for the title of the case from the Medan Police. Because this is before it was held, we have not dared to determine steps to investigate," said Martuani in Medan, Monday, July 13.
On a different occasion, Kapolrestabes Medan Kombes Riko Sunarko added, when HH was secured in a hotel room, there was a man who was also secured on Sunday, July 12. However, not explained in detail about his identity.
"When he was being secured with a man at a hotel in Medan," said Riko.
In addition, from the results of the provisional examination, continued Riko, the existence of HH was someone's order through pimps. However, to pimp this FTV artist distributor is still being investigated about his identity.
"So a few days ago, Satreskrim and Satintelkam friends received information that there were suspected pimps offering people here in Medan to present artists in the context of prostitution, we are currently investigating," said Riko.