Jokowi Issues PP 94/2021, Civil Servants Who Don't Obey Work Entry Rules Will Be Sentenced To Withholding Tukin

JAKARTA - Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has issued Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia (PP) Number 94 of 2021 concerning Discipline for Civil Servants (PNS).

This regulation contains obligations and prohibitions as well as disciplinary penalties for civil servants who do not comply with obligations and/or violate these prohibitions.

Launching the site, it is emphasized in this regulation that civil servants are obliged to comply with the obligations and avoid the prohibitions as stated in Article 2 to Article 5. to heavy.

"PNS who do not comply with the provisions as referred to in Article 3 to Article 5 will be subject to disciplinary punishment," reads Article 7 of the regulation issued on August 31, 2021.

The level of disciplinary punishment for civil servants is divided into three categories, namely light, medium, and severe. All provisions regarding the level and type of civil servant disciplinary punishment are listed in Article 8.

Types of light disciplinary punishment can be:

– verbal warning;

– written warning; or

– a written statement of dissatisfaction.

Meanwhile, the type of moderate disciplinary punishment can be in the form of:

– cut performance allowance (tukin) by 25 percent for six months;

– a 25% cut in fees for nine months, or

– 25% cutting of tukin for 12 months.

The types of severe disciplinary punishment can be in the form of:

– demotion to a lower level for 12 months;

– release from his position to become executive for 12 months; or

– honorable dismissal not at his own request as a civil servant.

One of the rules contained in PP 94/2021 is regarding discipline in coming to work and working hours. Civil servants who violate the obligation to come to work and comply with working hours may be subject to disciplinary punishment with the following conditions:

For minor offenses, penalties can be:

1. verbal warning for civil servants who do not come to work without valid reasons cumulatively for three working days in one year;

2. written warning for civil servants who do not come to work without valid reasons cumulatively for 4-6 working days in one year; and

3. a written statement of dissatisfaction for civil servants who do not come to work without valid reasons cumulatively for 7-10 working days in one year.

Meanwhile, for moderate offenses, the punishment can be in the form of:

1. withholding fees by 25 percent for 6 months for civil servants who do not come to work without valid reasons cumulatively for 11-13 working days in one year;

2. deductions for income tax by 25 percent for 9 months for civil servants who do not come to work without valid reasons cumulatively for 14-16 working days in one year; and

3. withholding fees of 25 percent for 12 months for civil servants who do not come to work without valid reasons cumulatively for 17-20 (twenty) working days in one year.

Furthermore, for serious offenses, penalties can be in the form of:

1. demotion to a lower level for 12 months for civil servants who do not come to work without valid reasons cumulatively for 21-24 working days in one year;

2. Exemption from his position as an executor for 12 months for civil servants who do not come to work without valid reasons cumulatively for 25-27 working days in one year

3. honorable dismissal not at his own request as a civil servant for civil servants who do not come to work without valid reasons cumulatively for 28 working days or more in one year; and

4. Dismissal with respect not at his own request as a civil servant for a civil servant who does not come to work without a valid reason continuously for 10 working days.

"PNS who do not come to work and do not comply with the provisions of working hours without valid reasons continuously for 10 (ten) working days as referred to in Article 11 paragraph (2) letter d number 4) have their salaries paid from the following month," the statement read. Article 15 paragraph (2).