Update On COVID-19 As Of July 13: 10 Times Recovery Rate Of Death

JAKARTA - Government spokesman for the handling of COVID-19, Achmad Yurianto, explained the progress of the case as of Monday, July 13 at 12.00 WIB. There were an additional 1,282 confirmed positive cases today. The total number of positive cases became 76,981 people.

Then, the number of patients who died today increased by 50 people, bringing it to 3,656 patients. There were an additional 1,051 patients recovered, bringing the total to 36,689 patients. In other words, the number of cured cases has reached 10 times that of the dead.

Yuri said, the positive cases that had been obtained in the last few weeks were cases from tracing results accompanied by massive laboratory examination efforts. Most of the cases there is no indication for hospitalization.

"We must realize that cases are still increasing from day to day because there are still sources of transmission in the community who do not realize that they are transmitting to other people," said Yuri at Graha BNPB, East Jakarta, Monday, July 13.

Of the 34 provinces that reported, 19 provinces reported new cases under 10. Of these provinces, 9 of them reported that today there were no additional new cases.

"Provinces that report no new cases are Aceh, Bangka Belitung, Bengkulu, Jambi, Riau Islands, West Sumatra, Central Sulawesi, West Papua and East Nusa Tenggara," he said.

The province with the highest number of new cases today is DKI Jakarta with 281 new cases and a total of 14,797 cases. Followed by East Java, which has 219 new cases and 16,877 total cases. East Java is also the province with the most accumulated cases in Indonesia.

Then, the provinces with other high new cases are in South Sulawesi with 124 cases and a total of 7,097 cases, Central Java with 100 new cases and 5,573 total cases, Papua with 98 new cases and a total of 2,365 cases, West Java with 83 new cases and a total of 5,160 cases, and South Kalimantan with 72 new cases and a total of 4,218 cases.

There are 10 provinces with more recovered cases than new cases. East Java has only 219 new cases but 268 recovered cases, South Sulawesi has only 124 new cases but 259 recovered cases, Bali has only 62 new cases but 97 recovered cases.

Furthermore, East Kalimantan has only 5 new cases but 11 recovered cases, Gorontalo has only 4 new cases but 8 recovered cases, Bengkulu does not have new cases but 1 person has recovered cases, and West Papua has no new cases but 3 people get well.

"This picture shows that cured cases will continue to increase from time to time," he said.

Furthermore, the total number of specimens that had been accumulated was 1,074,467. In detail, 1,047,467 specimens were examined using real time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and 27,125 specimens were examined using a molecular rapid test (TCM).

This examination was carried out in 161 active RT-PCR laboratories, 115 TCM laboratories, and 299 network laboratories. The rate of positive cases was 12.2 percent of all examinations carried out.

Then, the patient data under surveillance (PDP) which is currently still under surveillance reached 13,504 people. Meanwhile, people under monitoring (ODP) who are currently still being monitored reach 33,504.