TNI - Police Deploy 1,500 Troops For Security PON Papua

JAKARTA - Mimika Resort Police, Papua, together with the TNI continue to be aware of the presence of armed criminal groups (KKB) that have the potential to disrupt the security situation during the XX National Sports Week (PON) in this area.

The Mimika Police Chief, AKBP IGG Era Adhinata, said in Timika, that although the threat of disturbance by armed separatist gangs has begun to diminish because most of the KKB factions that had entrenched in the Tembagapura area have returned to their original areas, the TNI-Polri officers continue to be aware of the existence of the group.

"Although most of the groups have left the Mimika Regency area, we are still closely monitoring their movements. We will tighten security at vulnerable points of their crossing," said AKBP Era Adhinata.

According to him, the TNI and Polri officers are trying their best to prevent and secure the Mimika area from the KKB, especially if the armed separatist gangs carry out actions that disrupt security.

In addition to the KKB disturbances, the TNI and Polri officers are also anticipating other potential security disturbances, especially those from friction between ethnic groups and others that has often occurred in Mimika.

"We all know that Timika is very prone to potential conflicts or frictions between tribes and others. So no matter how small the friction must be resolved at the same time, it cannot wait for a day or days," he explained.

To secure the XX Papua PON in the Mimika Regency Cluster, the TNI and Polri deployed 1,500 personnel consisting of 997 Polri personnel and 485 TNI personnel.

Specifically for the National Police, as many as 432 personnel were brought in from outside, namely 400 Brimob personnel from the North Sulawesi Police, Central Kalimantan Police, and several other Regional Police, as well as 32 Asmat Police personnel added.

"The BKO troops who were brought in from outside and have arrived in Timika, namely the North Sulawesi Police Mobile Brigade, as many as 100 personnel. In the near future the Central Kalimantan Police Mobile Brigade BKO and other Regional Police will arrive again," he said.

As one of the clusters that organize PON XX Papua, Mimika Regency is the host for nine sports with 12 numbers contested at PON XX Papua, namely athletics, basketball, futsal, handball, rock climbing, billiards, judo, fighting degrees, aerosports which includes kite flying, aeromodeling, and skydiving.