Friends Of Ganjar Ready To 'Fight' In 17 Countries, Win Ganjar Pranowo In The 2024 Presidential Election

JAKARTA - Although the implementation of the 2024 presidential election is still far away, the volunteer node formed to support one of the potential candidates continues to be encouraged. Like Sahabat Ganjar, a volunteer who supports the Governor of Central Java Ganjar Pranowo in the 2024 presidential election.

The general chairman of Sahabat Ganjar, Lenny Handayani, said that these volunteers are ready to fight for the voices of Indonesian citizens in 17 countries. Such as, Hong Kong, Macau, Japan, Taiwan, United Kingdom, Singapore, Italy, Netherlands, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Australia, New Zealand, United States, Austria, Spain, United Arab Emirates, and France.

"I see that Ganjar has been governor of Central Java for two terms, so the public has seen the results of his work," said Lenny in a statement received in Jakarta, Antara, Sunday, September 19.

Ganjar is the right figure to replace President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) in the 2024 Presidential Election. There are a number of reasons why Friends of Ganjar continue to spread their wings overseas.

One of Ganjar's Friends of Volunteers in Australia added that personally, he sees Ganjar as a person who can advance the Indonesian nation. The expression is contained in the video that was shown during the declaration.

As the volunteers from Malaysia said, Ganjar is believed to be worthy of being the leader of Indonesia.

"Pak Ganjar is very tolerant, helps people, is firm, honest, and even though we are abroad, we will continue to support him," said Asih Lestari who is one of the Friends of Ganjar Volunteers in Malaysia.

On that occasion, also the inauguration of the management of Sahabat Ganjar in 34 DPW and 140 DPC throughout Indonesia. The Friends of Ganjar consist of various elements of society.

Lenny said Sahabat Ganjar came with the spirit of mutual cooperation and cooperation so that Indonesia was strong in facing various national problems.

"We spread the spirit that has been echoed by Ganjar and spread the spirit of Ganjar's leadership to the community," said Lenny.