A Collection Of Google Slides Add-ons That Make Presentations More Attractive, Must Install!

YOGYAKARTA – Presentation using a slideshow consisting of only letters is an ancient strategy. Besides being less attractive, it also often makes those who see it less understand what you are saying.

In fact, in presenting something, attracting the attention and interest of the audience is one important factor. And to help you achieve both of these, there are now a variety of add-ons for Google Slides.

There are many types of additional tools installed manually in the Google Slides service. Starting from adding unique and interesting photos, to choosing fonts or letter shapes that can make presentations more fun.

Not only that, there are also several types of add-ons that provide custom icon services, accented letters, and mathematical formulas. And to help you, the VOI team has put together a number of Google Slides add-ons that must be installed. Make presentations more fun!

Unsplash Images

Unsplash is an image provider service that you can download for free. Through these add-ons, you can more quickly and easily access Unsplash's millions of photo collections.

Yes, you no longer need to open the Unsplash website, download it, then install it on a presentation document. A long and time consuming step. In fact, there is also a search field that makes it easier for you to find suitable photos via Google Slides.

Extensis Fonts

Although we can use various visual elements to beautify our presentation, we still need sentences to convey something. And using the right font, those who see your presentation can be more interested and easily understand what is being conveyed.

Therefore, you can take advantage of the Extensis Fonts add-on service. This add-ons for Google Slides has an interesting collection of fonts to try. In fact, according to the developer's explanation, there are up to 900 fonts!


There are times when you need an icon to show certain information. However, a picture that is not clear and complete has the potential to obscure the actual information to be conveyed.

Indeed, Google Slides offers a number of standard icons. Unfortunately, many users are not satisfied with the choice of these icons. And if you are one of them, you can take advantage of a Google Slides add-on called Flacticon.

Easy to use and contains millions of options. In finding the best icon, you just need to type certain keywords through the available search fields. So, you won't need a long time to design and beautify presentation documents.

Those are some Google Slides add-ons that you can take advantage of. Don't be tired if you want maximum results. And to make things easier, you can use one of them.