KKP Arrests 4 Perpetrators Of Fish Bombing In Selayar Waters, South Sulawesi

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) arrested four perpetrators of the fish bombing in the waters of Selayar, South Sulawesi Province.

"Officers from the Directorate General of PSDKP (Supervision of Marine and Fishery Resources) KKP have arrested four perpetrators of the fish bombing in the Selayar waters area on Thursday, September 16," said Director General of PSDKP KKP Rear Admiral TNI Adin Nurawaluddin as quoted by Antara, Sunday.

He said the arrests further demonstrated the KKP's strong commitment in the era of Minister Trenggono's leadership in protecting the sustainability of marine and fishery resources.

Adin further explained that the fisheries supervisor at the Selayar SDKP Wilker, who is under the command of the Bitung PSDKP base, made the arrest after receiving information from the local community regarding the fish bombing carried out by the perpetrators.

The chase took place before finally the four perpetrators were successfully paralyzed by the authorities. During the arrest process, the officers arrested the alleged perpetrators, namely A (28 years old), H (28), S (20) and A (18).

"The perpetrators tried to run away but with the alertness of the officers on the ground, they were finally overpowered," said Adin.

Adin expressed his appreciation to the local community who had provided this important information so that his staff could move quickly to carry out security measures. This is a good example of implementing community-based surveillance.

"This is something that we will continue to encourage in the future, we feel it is important that the presence of the community is in the surveillance process, especially for cases of destructive fishing," he said.

Adin also said that the Directorate General of PSDKP KKP continues to intensify the eradication of the practice of bombing fish.

Previously, officers from the Directorate General of PSDKP KKP arrested three perpetrators of the fish bombing in Morowali waters, Central Sulawesi Province on Monday, August 31. In the arrest, even 20 kilograms of fish bombs were secured from the three perpetrators.

Meanwhile, the Director of Supervision for the Management of Marine Resources, Halid K. Jusuf, said that his party continues to improve efforts to deal with destructive fishing. In addition to taking law enforcement measures, preventive efforts are also continuously encouraged in order to increase public awareness about the dangers of using fish bombs.

Halid explained that his party continues to synergize with relevant authorities in eradicating destructive fishing, including collaborating with the local government.

During 2021, KKP stated that it had handled 31 cases of destructive fishing consisting of 23 fish bombings, 4 electrocution and 4 use of fish poison. In handling these cases, a total of 95 perpetrators were arrested and underwent further legal processes.