Exposed To Many Trials, Here Are 7 Smart Tips To Rebuild Intimate Relationships

JAKARTA – Trials often build a distance between a person and his partner. Because you are busy getting solutions or trials that drain a lot of time and energy, don't let your relationship with your partner become 'cold'.

When trying to re-embrace your partner to return to being intimate, do the following smart tips.

1. Make relationships a priority

The trials subside, it's time to return your priority to the relationship with your partner. An intimate relationship again requires awareness of how important your partner's position is as a support system and as someone who is meaningful in your life.

2. Be a better listener

When the mind is confused in the face of trials, the partner's speech seems to enter the left ear and exit the right ear. It's okay, a lot of people have experienced this. But try to get back on track and be a better listener.

3. Create a purposeful relationship

Evaluating and setting new goals in relationships is often overlooked. Try discussing and talking to each other about hopes, shared visions, and dreams that each of the partners wants to achieve. Don't forget to look back on what you and your partner have experienced, this can help make your relationship goals more realistic.

4. Compromise

Everyone has their own ego, but when it comes to commitment to a partner or relationship, compromise is required. You do not only think about fulfilling your own needs but also pay attention to the needs of your partner so that you both feel happy.

5. Learn to say 'sorry'

So trivial but not realized has a big impact on the intimacy of the relationship. When you realize you made a mistake, don't be afraid to say 'sorry'.

6. Identify the trials experienced

This is important, because many relationships sometimes get off track because one partner keeps blaming the other for the trials they are going through. Worse, most people don't realize that doing so can sabotage everyone's happiness.

This means identifying the trials experienced, not blaming your partner or blaming yourself for experiencing unwanted things.

7. Be more creative to keep the relationship fun

Monotonous routines sometimes destroy relationships, even happy ones. Once in a while, surprise your partner, ask them out on a date, go out together to rekindle the romance.

So it can be more fun in a simple way, such as laughing with your partner because you have gone through many trials and tests.