US Army Says Durian Skin Is Sharp Like Cactus, But Addicted When Asked To Try

JAKARTA - Joint exercise Staff exercise (staffex) joint training with Battalion 225 during the Garuda Shield 15/2021 in Baturaja, South Sumatra, provides a unique story of its own.

This unique story begins with an old friend of Kasie Liput Dispenad, Major Arm Hanafi, and his colleague, an American military soldier, Captain Jednak.

Major Arm Hanafi befriended Captain Jednak when they met while studying together at the FA CCC (Field Artillery Captain Career Course) in Fort Sill. This friendship continued until the two met again during joint military exercises in Indonesia.

"So this exercise was a surprise for me because it turned out that I met a friend. I haven't seen each other for 4 years, my friend goes to school in America here in this exercise," said Head of Dispenad Coverage Major Arm Hanafi quoted from the official YouTube channel for the Indonesian Army Bulletin, Saturday 18 September.

Meanwhile, after meeting, the two began to talk about durian fruit. The beginning of the conversation about eating durian began when Captain Jednak asked the Kasi Liput Dispenad Major Arm Hanafi about the old unit.

Captain Jednak said that Major Hanafi always talked about durians when he was in Fort Sill.

"In Fort Sill, you used to always tell me about Durian," said Captain Jednak.

Major Arm Hanafi replied, "Oo... Durian. Do you want to try it? Are you sure?," he asked.

Captain Jednak replied, "I'd really like to try it. Of course," he replied.

They then went to a place selling durian with other TNI and US soldiers to try the fruit.

"Take one, peel it, open it and eat it," the Major said to the American soldiers.

But when Captain Jednak was about to take a durian with his palms, Jednak was surprised because his palms were stuck with sharp durian skin.

"Ouch. Sharp, like a cactus," said Captain Jednak with a surprised face.

Major Arm Hanafi explained, "That's why I said 'pointy' right?," he said.

Then a man in a black shirt lifted a durian for Captain Jednak. The captain began to adapt to the durian skin he was holding in his hands.

Meanwhile, according to other American soldiers, durian smells like melon.

"It smells like melon," another American said to Major Arm Hanafi, with a slightly curious face.

Then the durian trader opened the durian skin and gave it to the American soldiers.

"It's like a banana," he said again.

The American soldier quickly tasted the durian that Major Arm Hanafi had given him. When eating durian fruit, the soldier said that (durian) was like a banana.

Meanwhile, Captain Jednak seemed to really enjoy the distinctive taste of durian.

"This is delicious," said Captain Jednak.

In addition, the faces of other American soldiers were also seen enjoying the delicacy of Indonesian durian fruit. Slowly they ate the contents of the durian fruit with facial expressions that seemed to really enjoy the taste and aroma of the durian.

"Almost one group (American soldiers) liked all of them. Only one person was not strong with the smell," said Major Arm Hanafi.

Another American soldier said, "Eehmm this is delicious. I'm fine," he said.

Even so, there was also a reaction from the American soldiers whose facial expressions were forced to taste the durian.

"This is not my favorite," said the soldier who does not like durian fruit.

Meanwhile, Captain Jednak, who had waited a long time for the durian fruit, seemed to really enjoy the durian fruit that Major Arm Hanafi gave him.

In addition to eating durian, Major Arm Hanafi invited Captain Jednak and other colleagues to taste the typical pempek food. The faces of the American soldiers were happy when they started to sit on the chairs of a restaurant and tasted pempek. The soldiers looked ravenous when they ate the typical pempek food served by Major Arm Hanafi.

"We are really looking forward to it, not only training with the Indonesian army. But the partnership and friendship that has been established. That's the best thing from all of this," said Captain Jednak closing his impressions during training with the Indonesian National Army (TNI) in Indonesia.