When The Deputy Governor Of Central Java Found Out There Were Students In Pekalongan Who Graduated From Junior High School, They Were Engaged

JAKARTA - Early marriage is often still considered as a regional culture. For example, in Pekalongan, there are students who have just graduated from junior high school and are ready to get married.

This finding was obtained by the Deputy Governor of Central Java Taj Yasin Maimoen when he stopped by SMAN 1 Petungkriyono, Pekalongan last Thursday, September 16. He found that distance learning (PJJ) in areas where the culture of early marriage is still strong, is actually considered a 'permission' to get married while attending school.

The head of SMAN 1 Petungkriyono Agus Dwi Prodo said, in that area, there were many students who had graduated from junior high school who had been applied for. In fact, at this school, three X grade students are engaged.

"Parents, if someone asks (their child), they don't have to go to school. So parents' thoughts (PJJ) are like chasing package C, sing school or not every day (who doesn't go to school every day). Sing (who) It's important to get a diploma," Agus said.

Early marriage in Petungkriyono is still part of the culture. In addition, about 80 percent of students' parents are not well educated. To suppress early marriage, the school has tried to educate the public.

Deputy Governor Taj Yasin realized that the outskirts and remote areas are still thick with the culture of early marriage. Therefore, the existence of schools is sought to be close to the community, so that they are easily accessible. Even face-to-face learning is now encouraged to start, with a strict record of implementing health protocols.

"Well, this (early marriage) really needs special attention. And they must be encouraged (awareness)," he said.

He added that the government has tried to prevent students from dropping out of school, including by reason of early marriage.

“(Early marriage) Apart from dropping out of school, it is also dangerous. We are campaigning for 'Jo Kawin Boy'. We encourage it," he concluded.