Out Of Patience, Atta Halilintar Reported YouTuber Savas Fresh To The Police

JAKARTA - Selebgram Atta Halilintar admitted to reporting social media activist (Youtuber) Savas Fresh because as a human being, he has a limit of patience when he receives insults and insults against the family of "Gen Halilintar". has crossed the limit of patience. "The point is that humans have their limits of patience too. From a year ago we were forgiving, patient, calm. But now, how come the family's dignity is not there," said Atta when met at the South Jakarta Police Headquarters, reported by Antara, Friday night. Atta Halilintar who was accompanied by his wife Aurel Hermansyah said that the report that was filed was the impact of many other people who humiliated his family. Atta said that so far his family had often received bad treatment from the outside. , as the leader of the family is guarded. So that's why there is something like that," said Atta.

Previously, members of the South Jakarta Metro Resort Police arrested a Youtuber Savas Fresh for allegedly defaming content creator Atta Halilintar through a personal social media account. South Jakarta Metro Police Chief Commissioner Azis Andriansyah said the Savas Fresh perpetrator was arrested by officers in the Bogor area, West Java on Sunday, September 11th. "Yes, what was reported was defamation, slander and so on, especially in the realm of ITE which was conveyed through social media, namely IG, YouTube and Tiktok," said Azis. Law Number 19 of 2016 concerning Electronic Transaction Information (ITE) with a penalty of six years in prison.