Launches Virtual Exhibition For The Protection Of Indonesian Citizens In The Midst Of The COVID-19 Pandemic, Ministry Of Foreign Affairs: This Is A Joint Task

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Foreign Affairs officially launched a virtual exhibition titled '#NegaraMelindungi', displaying documentation of the track record of the diplomatic struggle to protect Indonesian citizens (WNI) abroad since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.

This virtual exhibition displays 75 selected photos and videos documenting diplomatic efforts to protect Indonesian citizens in Asia, Europe, Africa to the ends of Latin America, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic that is sweeping the world.

"Starting from protecting Indonesian citizens, ensuring the availability of essential medicines and medical equipment, restoring the national economy to maintaining global peace and stability, Indonesia's diplomacy continues," said Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi at the beginning of the virtual exhibition.

"I am grateful for the hard work of Indonesian diplomats and those who serve in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Thank you also for the support of all partners of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs," he continued.

Passport replacement services specifically for Indonesian citizens by the Indonesian Consulate General in Marseille. (Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

Meanwhile, in his remarks at the inauguration of the exhibition, Director General of Protocol and Consular Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Andy Rachmianto, said that this exhibition is expected to increase understanding of diplomacy to protect Indonesian citizens, as well as expand ownership of protection issues in all levels of society.

"Protection diplomacy is not an exclusive mission of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the Indonesian Representatives, but a joint task of all elements of the nation," explained Director General Andy during a virtual conference launching the exhibition on Thursday, September 16.

The #NegaraMelindungi Virtual Exhibition showcases various efforts and struggles of protective diplomacy, starting from the provision of social assistance and PPE, health checks, to organizing repatriation for those of us who are trapped and in need.

Meanwhile, Director General of Information and Public Diplomacy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Teuku Faizasyah, said that the information contained in this exhibition is expected to provide understanding to the public through easily accessible information facilities.

The Indonesian Embassy in Maputo handed over food and sanitation assistance to Indonesian missionaries in Maputo, Mozambique. (Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

"This exhibition is also aimed at creating innovative and creative information dissemination that can be easily accessed by the public. This is a support for increasing public accountability for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' program," explained Teuku Faizasyah.

"This exhibition is also expected to inspire young Indonesian diplomats and the young generation of future leaders of the nation, to take their role in protecting Indonesian citizens, by upholding the spirit of collaboration and the values of cooperation," he concluded.

It is important to note that this virtual exhibition, which displays attractive digitally arranged photos and videos, can be accessed and enjoyed through the website