TNI Commander: Vaccinations In Markets Protect Businesses

MEDAN - TNI Commander Marshal TNI Hadi Tjahjanto said the implementation of vaccinations for traders in traditional markets was to protect business actors from the spread of COVID-19.

"The implementation of vaccination at the Lau Cih Main Market is very appropriate to protect business actors in this market," said Marshal Hadi after reviewing the implementation of mass vaccination at the Lau Cih Main Market, Medan, quoted by Antara, Friday, September 17.

He expressed this with the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo accompanied by the Governor of North Sumatra Edy Rahmayadi, the Commander of the I/BB Military Command Major General Hassanudin, the North Sumatran Police Chief Inspector General RZ Panca Putra Simanjuntak including the Mayor of Medan Bobby Nasution.

The TNI Commander hopes that with mass vaccination activities in the city of Medan in particular, and the province of North Sumatra in general, they can achieve the vaccination targets that have been set.

"I hope that the targets in the cities of Medan and North Sumatra can be achieved as desired. For areas where vaccination is still below the target, we need to push for it to be achieved," said TNI Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto.

The National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, explained that this working visit was to see firsthand the efforts to accelerate vaccination in various regions in the country.

"This is a target that must be achieved and pursued, so that it can suppress the spread of COVID-19 and reduce the level of PPKM," he said.

Meanwhile, the Mayor of Medan, Bobby Nasution, said that this vaccination was specifically for market businesses in the wholesale market by targeting 1,400 people.

"I would like to thank the TNI and Polri as well as all parties who continue to encourage the accelerated vaccination program in Medan City, one of which is at the Lau Chi Main Market," said Bobby.