Bogor City Government Immediately Repairs Collapsed Otista Public Elementary School
BOGOR - The Bogor City Government repaired the building for the classroom of the Otista State Elementary School on Jalan Otista 78, Central Bogor District which collapsed because it was rotten.
Bogor Mayor Bima Arya, while reviewing the condition of SD Negeri Otista, said that the repair of the roof building for the short term uses a budget from unexpected costs (BTT) of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD).
For the long term, the Bogor City Government proposes an allocation for school building improvements through the Bogor City APBD Draft in 2022.
A classroom at Otista State Elementary School collapsed on Thursday, September 16, at around 11.50 WIB. At that time, the weather in Bogor City was sunny. At the time of the incident, the school was empty, so there were no victims.
During the review, Bima Arya was accompanied by the Head of the Bogor City Education Office, Hanafi and was welcomed by the Head of SD Negeri Otista Siti Meisyafah.
"This improvement is to anticipate that limited face-to-face learning can be carried out," he said, quoted by Antara, Friday, September 17.
Bima Arya explained that in preparation for the implementation of face-to-face learning (PTM) which is scheduled to start in early October, the Education Office is checking school readiness requirements.
He also assigned the Head of the Education Office to check the physical condition of all schools in the city of Bogor in preparation for the implementation of limited PTM.
"The collapse of the classroom at SD Negeri Otista is a warning to us to be better prepared. Maybe during distance learning there are conditions at school that are not monitored at school," he said.
Meanwhile, the Principal of SD Negeri Otista, Siti Meisyafah, admitted that she had twice reported to the Bogor City Education Office, regarding the classrooms at her school which were in poor condition.
The Education Office has also put up a banner in front of the classroom that reads a warning about the classroom not being used, before it finally collapsed.