KRL Users Up 7 Percent Compared To Last Week

JAKARTA - Users of electric railways (KRL) from Bogor station on Monday, July 17 rose 7 percent compared to Monday, June 29 last week.

It was recorded that until 07.00 WIB, the number of users had reached 6,126 people. Whereas last week on the same day and hour there were 5,787 people.

"Meanwhile, in total up to 07.00 there were 68,657 people using KRL this morning," said VP Corporate Communications of PT KCI Anne Purba in an official statement, Monday, July 13.

He detailed, currently there are around 400 thousand KRL users every day. This figure is increasing along with the operation of office and commerce activities in the capital city.

In order to reduce the density, there are two additional KRL trips for the Bogor-Manggarai connection. These two additional trains are always operated at the beginning of the week.

"The queue that usually occurs up to the station parking lot until 7:00 am today, the queue only occurs in the lobby area," he said.

PT KCI supports the government's efforts in holding rapid tests and swab tests at stations to help reduce the spread of Covid-19 on KRL.

Previously, from the results of the rapid test followed by a swab test at Bogor and Bojonggede Stations by the local government, two people were positive for Covid-19 from around 800 KRL users who took the test.

Both are people without symptoms. This means that the percentage of those who are positively exposed to Covid-19 is only 0.25% of the sample examined.

Meanwhile, during the pandemic, which has been around for about four months, PT KCI has always been active in serving its users by implementing strict health protocols including wearing masks, checking body temperature when riding KRL, restricting users inside KRL, maintaining distance at stations and KRL, as well as providing an additional sink as a facility for washing hands.