The Minister Of Manpower Reminds No Deductions From Wage Subsidy Assistance By Banks, Including Transfer Fees

JAKARTA - The Minister of Manpower (Menaker) Ida Fauziah warned that there should not be any deductions from the channeling bank for wage subsidy assistance received by workers. indeed there is a discount, fellow workers immediately report to us," said Ida Fauziah when conducting a direct review of the activation of the accounts of workers receiving wages subsidies from the government, at PT Cilegon Raya Utama Motor, in Cilegon City, as reported by Antara, Friday, September 17. Ida Faiziah reminded all Himbara Banks or associations of state-owned banks, not to deduct a single rupiah from the value of assistance provided when the bank distributed wage subsidy assistance (BSU) to workers who became beneficiaries. This is because this has become a joint commitment between the government and Himbara member banks in distributing the BSU. The existence of wage subsidy assistance for workers is expected to be able to assist workers in meeting their living needs in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic which is still not over. "Hopefully this is so that the government will give joy to fellow workers," said Ida Fauziah. The COVID-19 pandemic has ravaged various sectors of life, including the increase in unemployment in Indonesia which has soared and cannot be controlled, which is the impact of COVID-19.

Even though. he said, the number of unemployed in Indonesia in the last five years before the COVID-19 could be controlled. "Because of COVID-19, our unemployment in August 2020 was 9.7 million from the previous 7 million." With the joint efforts of all parties in an effort to minimize the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, said the Minister of Manpower, unemployment in Indonesia in February 2021 fell from the previous 9, 7 million in August 2020 to around 8.7 million in February 2021. According to him, with the cooperation of all parties in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic, it also shows an improvement in the national economy in the first quarter of 2021 and also in the second quarter of 2021 which shows a positive number of 7, 07 percent. However, when there were efforts to improve the economy, a new variant of COVID-19 emerged, forcing the government to try to control the spread of the delta variant by imposing emergency PPKM and system-level PPKM to date.