Instead Of Making You Unhappy, Follow 5 Ways To Overcome Jealousy

JAKARTA – Jealousy in a romantic relationship has been felt by almost every couple. The birth of jealousy is quite normal, because feelings are a response to thoughts that hang and events that are experienced. However, feelings of jealousy make you unhappy.

Feelings of jealousy, reported by Cosmopolitan, Friday, September 17, can not be stopped even though assisted by a therapist. But reflective things can be used to overcome the jealousy that is starting to eat away at happiness.

1. Identify the cause

Jealousy does not exist without a cause, one of the most common causes is the fear of losing something or someone. Even if you don't think about it when you're jealous, the lack of attention, seeing your partner too busy, or talking to other women and feeling insecure can also trigger jealousy.

Sam Cat, a sex and relationship educator, categorizes jealousy as a spicy emotion experienced when feeling anxious or insecure. How to deal with it will also be different for each person, according to Sam Cat.

2. Make peace with the past

Having a bad past, such as being cheated on, can trigger jealousy to thrive. But when trying to make peace with the past and consider it an experience or learning, then jealousy will be easier to overcome.

3. Controlling actions

Sam added, it's not jealousy that destroys but the effect of jealousy when taking action. If it is not thought out with clarity of thought, the action will not be considered at risk.

Sam says jealousy helps a person understand emotional needs. Among other things, overcoming anxiety, insecurity, or even being a sign that the relationship is indeed going badly.

4. Calm down

Sam's advice, let the emotions pass before discussing jealousy triggers with your partner. Because a lot of people get really angry when they're jealous. How to calm yourself can be by writing a journal, that way a person is more emotionally balanced.

5. Communicating with your partner

Communication can be assertive and done when it is calm. Assertive communication is a way of conveying what is needed. For example “you can be friends with anyone, but I get jealous if you get too close to…”

Also discuss with your partner what you and your partner need in order for a harmonious relationship to return. It's also important to remember that being a good listener will be more effective in communicating. Give your partner a chance to give arguments, agree on boundaries, vision for the future in the relationship, and hope for both.