Governor Enembe Shares Grief Over The Death Of Nakes In Kiwirok

JAYAPURA - Papua Governor Lukas Enembe expressed his deep condolences for the death of medical personnel in the tragedy of the attack in Kiwirok District, Bintang Mountains Regency by KKB led by Lamek Taplo.

Spokesman for the Governor of Papua Muhammad Rifai Darus said the Gunung Bintang Regency Government was expected to pay attention to the needs of survivors in the incident.

"In addition, the Governor of Papua advised that the Gunung Bintang Regency Government can continue to coordinate with related parties to completely resolve the case of the Kiwirok Health Center attack and the attack on a number of health workers who were in the area," he said in a press release, in Jayapura, as reported by Antara. , Friday, September 17th.

According to Rifai Darus, the Governor of Papua requested that efforts to search for health workers (nakes) who are still missing continue to be carried out, while still paying attention to the security conditions for the rescue team.

"To all the people of the Bintang Mountains to remain calm, conducive and alert, the government together with law enforcement will do their utmost to protect all the people of the Bintang Mountains," he said. where many humanitarian tasks have been carried out by health workers, especially at a time when the Indonesian nation is still facing the COVID-19 pandemic.

"For this reason, it is very unfortunate if the human resources of health workers in Papua are in a position where their safety is threatened," he said again.

He added, the Governor of Papua invites all parties to work hand in hand to create a peaceful and safe Land of Papua for all people.

"All are brothers and have a responsibility as human beings to take care of each other," he said again.