Clifford V. Johnson, Scientific Advisor For Time Travel Films

JAKARTA - A film needs an advisor to evaluate the story as well as the scene used. The romantic comedy Palm Springs turns out to have a scientific advisor on their story.

Palm Springs tells of Nyles (Andy Samberg) and Sarah (Cristin Milotti) who meet at a wedding. After celebrating the relative's wedding, they realized they had woken up at the same time - on that wedding day. This happened repeatedly until they got stuck in the loop of time.

Clifford V. Johnson is the man behind the running of the Palm Springs story. He is not the writer of the script but the scientific advisor of the National Academy of Science. In this case, it is necessary to make time travel something that can be trusted.

"Not only do we not have any thoughts if time travel to the past is possible, all the physics we understand today says it is impossible," said the scientist who was born on March 5, 1968, as quoted by Indiewire.

In the Palm Springs story, Nyles and Sarah notice that there is a desert near the place of the wedding that keeps the cycles of time moving. The idea of a nearby desert was Johnson's tucked in.

Being a scientific adviser, Johnson's treatment of films was different. If Palm Springs uses the desert, it creates a normalizing ability for the alien talk scene in Arrival.

Apart from Arrival and Palm Springs, there are Avengers: Endgame, Infinity War, The Martian, Interstellar, and many others.

"They (filmmakers) want to make time travel the core of the film. So the question is what flavor do they want to use? I try to help them get to know science natively and the need for consistency. "

Seeing the image of a scientist who looks innocent in a white robe and glasses, Johnson tries a different picture in Palm Springs. He was happy because it shows the scientist's appearance that is different from other films. The audience can watch it in the Palm Springs film which has been released on Hulu.