Confess To School Children In North Sumatra To President Jokowi, Feeling Happy Because They Can Learn Face-to-face

JAKARTA - The President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, had the opportunity to have a dialogue with students through video conferences, on the sidelines of his activity reviewing vaccinations for students at SMKN 1 Beringin, Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatra, Thursday, September 16.

On that occasion, students expressed their joy to the President because they were able to return to face-to-face learning (PTM).

As a written statement received from the Press Bureau of the Presidential Secretariat, on that occasion the Head of State asked the students about face-to-face learning which has begun to be implemented in several districts/cities.

One student from SMAN 1 Perbaungan, Serdang Bedagai Regency, North Sumatra, Kalisa, said he was happy to have been vaccinated so he could do PTM.

"How many weeks ago or how many days ago (PTM)?" asked President Jokowi, quoted by Antara.

"It's been two weeks, sir," said Kalisa.

Another student from SMAN 1 Perbaungan, Fajar, also admitted that he was grateful that he had been vaccinated so he could do PTM even though it was limited.

The President emphasized that PTM can be carried out provided that the implementation of restrictions on community activities (PPKM) in the district/city is at level 3 or 2.

"Teachers are vaccinated, children are vaccinated. It's okay the first vaccination was okay. Please, but also face-to-face learning is limited, it can be 30 percent, it can be 50 percent," said the President.

Meanwhile, a student from SMA Negeri 1 Tenggarong, East Kalimantan, Nerisa, expressed her desire to be able to come to one of the traditional festivals, namely the Tenggarong International Folk Arts Festival (TIFAF).

Nerisa hopes that the pandemic will end soon so that the traditional festival can be held again in Tenggarong.

"Well, it's really sad, sir. Even though I was waiting for the start of the traditional ceremony, sir," said Nerisa.

Regarding this, the President said that various activities such as traditional festivals could be held again if the community had received vaccine injections.

However, the Head of State reminded to remain disciplined in implementing health protocols even though later festival activities and performances could be held.

"If later the pandemic has decreased, decreased, decreased, please hold it again," said the President.

Also accompanying the President in the review were TNI Commander Marshal TNI Hadi Tjahjanto, Head of the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) Budi Gunawan, North Sumatra Governor Edy Rahmayadi, and Deli Serdang Regent Ashari Tambunan.