Riau Police Reveals International Network Of Sabu Circulation

JAKARTA - The Riau Regional Police's Narcotics Research Directorate has succeeded in arresting two international network meth couriers with the initials DDM and JH. From the courier's hand, the police succeeded in confiscating 15.8 kg of crystal methamphetamine stored in green tea packages.

The arrest of the two couriers stems from public information that says there will be drug transactions from Rupat Island to the city of Dumai. Armed with this information, the police immediately conducted an in-depth investigation.

Sure enough, after conducting an investigation, the information was obtained that his party was coordinating with the Road Traffic and Transportation Agency (DLLAJR) of Roro Dumai Port to carry out coercive measures against the suspect.

After coordinating, the team then conducted a search of the vehicles leaving the ferry.

"During the search, the team managed to secure two people with 15.8 kg of methamphetamine-type evidence hidden under the middle seat of a minibus with police number B 1504 NKT," said Head of Public Relations of the Riau Police, Kombes Pol Sunarto in an official statement quoted on Saturday 11. July.

He said that currently his party was investigating two suspects to investigate the origin of the prohibited items. From his confession, both admitted that they were only couriers who were promised to be given wages.

"Wages of Rp. 5 million per package if the two suspects manage to bring crystal methamphetamine to Pekanbaru to be handed over to S," he said.

As a result of their actions, the two perpetrators are now subject to Article 114 Paragraph (2) in conjunction with Article 112 paragraph (2) RI Law No.35 of 2009 on Narcotics, with the threat of death penalty or imprisonment for a minimum of 5 years, a maximum of 20 years.