There Was A Stab In The Chest And Neck Of The Deceased MetroTV Editor

JAKARTA - The police are still investigating the death of MetroTV editor Yodi Prabowo. Yodi's outops found on the side of the JORR Ulujami toll road found stab wounds to his neck and chest.

"So there are stab wounds on the neck and chest," said Head of Public Relations of the Jakarta Metro Police, Yusri Yunus, Jakarta, Saturday, July 11.

From this result, it also shows that Yodi died 2 or 3 days ago. Thus, the victim's body has continued to decompose. "Because it is estimated that it has been two, three days at the TKP," he said.

Based on the crime scene process (TKP), no valuables belonging to the victim were lost. However, nothing could be concluded regarding this incident. Because, this case is still under investigation.

So far, the police have examined 12 people regarding the victim's death. The witnesses being questioned were the family, the people closest to and who knew the victim. "Until now, we have examined 12 witnesses," he said.

On this occasion he said that his party had formed a special team to study this case. The formation of this team was based on direct instructions from the Kapolda Metro Jaya.

It is known that Yodi was found dead on Friday, July 10 on the side of the JORR Toll Road, Ulujami, Pesanggrahan, South Jakarta. The victim died allegedly because he was murdered.

Yodi was found dead after three days of missing. The MetroTV extended family expressed their deep condolences. His party asked the police to thoroughly investigate this case.