Waketum PSSI Becomes Deputy Menpora In The U-20 World Cup Committee

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of PSSI, Iwan Budianto, was appointed as deputy chairman of the Indonesia FIFA U-20 World Cup 2021 Organizing Committee (INAFOC). This was conveyed directly by the Chairman of INAFOC who is also the Minister of Youth and Sports, Zainudin Amali, Friday 10 July.

Iwan's appointment proved the previous Menpora's statement which would take the figure of several stakeholders in the INAFOC committee, including PSSI. However, Menpora cannot announce another name. The reason is, still waiting for FIFA to form a committee composition.

"Pak Iwan Budianto will be deputy chairman of the organizer. Other names cannot be announced yet,"

Minister of Youth and Sports, Zainudin Amali

Meanwhile, Iwan Budianto said there must be good cooperation to make the U-20 World Cup a success. There are many things that must be coordinated because it involves many parties, such as ministries and other institutions. According to him, this will be the organizer's homework.

"What is certain is that the PR will coordinate from other ministries or institutions, such as the Ministry of Public Works, Menkominfo and others," said the man who is also the CEO of Arema FC.

Iwan does not want all parties to go their separate ways. PSSI as a federation, he continued, must maintain its integrity and do not want PSSI to be considered incapable.

"However, we must also convey the fact that our hands (PSSI) cannot reach other ministries, therefore INAFOC was formed and it is not something that violates it, because it must work between PSSI and the government," he said.

Iwan then did not deny that many things had to be prepared. Venue problem is considered to be the most attention grabbing thing.

"In this COVID-19 situation, we are actually given a lot of convenience by FIFA and that is what we have to communicate well," he added.

Select the INAFOC Office

Apart from appointing Iwan Budianto as deputy head of the organizer, the Menpora also chose GBK Arena as the INAFOC secretariat office. The GBK Arena, which is the former office of the 2018 Asian Para Games (INAPGOC) organizing committee, is considered to have several building facilities that are still well maintained and a very strategic place to serve participants.

The Golkar Party politician added that all committee activities would be centered here. From various elements, from the Ministry of Youth and Sports, PSSI, from other institutional ministries, and various parties who are included in the committee, will be based at the GBK Arena.

"The one who will be here every day is Mr. Iwan Budianto," said the Menpora.