Viral Santri Covers Ears When Listening To Music At Vaccination Events, PAN: Don't Easily Label Radical People

JAKARTA - Video of the students of Ma'had Tahfidz Al-Qur'an covering their ears together while listening to music at a viral vaccination event on social media.

The video then caused polemics, including Diaz Hendropriyono's upload and Deddy Corbuzier's cynical comments about the attitude of the students.

Responding to this, the Deputy Chairperson of the National Mandate Party (PAN), Yandri Susanto, considered that it was natural for the students to cover their ears when listening to music because keeping the Al-Quran memorized was not easy. According to him, this should not be taken cynically.

"Don't easily label other people as radical. That's the usual attitude. They are students who memorize the Qur'an. It's only natural if you want to choose to focus on memorizing and don't want to listen to music. That's their right," Yandri told reporters, Thursday, September 16. Yandri emphasized that every cell in the human body has its own memory. "Ears have their own memory, if students who memorize the Qur'an don't want their ears to be filled with memories other than the Qur'an. 'an, it's their choice. It doesn't explain that they are radical," said Yandri. Therefore, the chairman of Commission VIII of the Indonesian House of Representatives in charge of religion asked the public not to make a fuss about things that are not substantial, especially while accusing certain parties of being radical. That's the attitude of the cottage, the caregivers, and the extraordinary students. About not wanting to listen to music, it's okay. They don't harm anyone, they don't violate the law," said Yandri. let's discuss something else that is more important and productive. There are so many problems that we need to solve together. Don't easily label other people as radical," he concluded.