New Normality Is Considered The Culprit For COVID-19 Cases To Increase
JAKARTA - The spread of COVID-19 in Indonesia is increasingly worrying. Based on data from the task force on July 9, there were 2,600 positive cases found. Thus, the total number of positive cases became 70,736 people.
The large increase in the number of positive cases in the last few days is thought to be related to the new normality policies issued by the central and regional governments. However, it is not balanced with the implementation of strict health protocols by the community.
The Expert Council of the Public Health Expert Association, Dr. Hermawan Saputra, said that the increase in the number of additional positive cases was indeed a consequence of the application of new norms. Because, with this policy, crowds that have the potential for infection will not be avoided.
"On the one hand, it is also related to the consequences of crowds on the streets, in markets, in offices, and settlements where all these activities are opened by the government," Hermawan told VOI, Friday, July 10.
Supposedly, if you want to improve the economic sector during the COVID-19 epidemic, the government should only open a few fields of work that are directly related to basic needs.
That way, people who have outdoor activities will be better monitored. At least, the spread of COVID-19 will be minimized. In addition, the Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) policy should still be implemented in all regions. This is because PSBB is currently still a guideline in reducing the transmission of COVID-19.
"Priorities should be made, especially those with basic economic needs. PSBB is still our reference in handling and controlling COVID-19," said Hermawan.
In addition, based on predictions from health practitioners, Indonesia is experiencing the peak period of the spread of COVID-19. So, it's not surprising that every day the number of positive cases will exceed the previous figure.
In addition, the large number of additional positive cases was also influenced by the greater examination capacity. This means that previously undetected positive specimens or cases are now starting to be netted.
"Indonesia is facing a valley that is on the rise. So the case will continue to break records from day to day along with the detection rate or inspection capacity," said Hermawan.
Adding, Epidemiology Expert from the University of Indonesia, Pandu Riono said, with the increase in the number of positive cases, the massive surveillance must be carried out.
This aims to catch as many people as possible who are not aware if they have been infected. In this way, the chain of spreading COVID-19 can be broken.
"Must strengthen active surveillance of tracking tests, isolation, and massive public communication for 3M (masks, washing hands, maintaining distance)," said Pandu.
Then, the central or local governments can issue policies related to the use of personal protective equipment. Because, it is undeniable that public awareness is still low regarding this matter.
"The policy invites the public to change behavior that reduces the risk of contracting COVID-19," said Pandu.