10 Political Parties Meet Surabaya Mayor Eri Cahyadi, Appreciate COVID-19 Handling

SURABAYA - Ten political parties expressed appreciation for the performance of the Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Surabaya, Eri Cahyadi and Armuji in their efforts to deal with COVID-19 in the City of Heroes, Surabaya, East Java.

"We appreciate the efforts of the mayor in dealing with COVID-19 in Surabaya, including being able to encourage public participation to work hand in hand with the government," said spokesman for the 10 Surabaya Political Party Gathering Arif Fathoni during a meeting at the Surabaya Mayor's official residence, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, 15th of September.

The 10 political parties include the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP), the Greater Indonesia Movement Party (Gerindra), the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS), the Golkar Party (Golkar), the National Mandate Party (PAN), the National Awakening Party (PKB), The Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI), the United Development Party (PPP), the Democratic Party and the National Democratic Party (NasDem).

Representatives of the 10 political parties who attended included Adi Sutarwijono (Chairman of PDIP Surabaya), Sutadi (Chairman of Gerindra Surabaya), Arif Fathoni (Chairman of Golkar Surabaya), Johari Mustawan (Chairman of PKS Surabaya), Mahsun Jayadi (Chairman of PAN Surabaya), Robert Simangunsong (Chairman of PKS Surabaya). Nasdem Surabaya), Buchori Imron (Chairman of PPP Surabaya), Musyafak Rouf (Chairman of PKB Surabaya), Tjutjuk Supariono (PSI Surabaya) and Junaedi (Secretary of Democrats in Surabaya).

"Not many regional heads have managerial skills that are able to convince the public to work together as it is today," said Arif Fathoni, who is often called Toni.

During this pandemic, he continued, people's safety was the highest law, the mayor's hard work during the current epidemic has been able to prevent the people of Surabaya from exposure to COVID-19, including the relatively high vaccination achievement in Surabaya.

According to Toni, political parties as instruments of democracy that have networks up to the kelurahan level, were asked for input and responses on how to improve the future economic recovery.

Of course, he continued, collaborations and synergies like this ensure that the future development of Surabaya will be increasingly enjoyed by the community, because not many leaders are willing to listen to public input, and Surabaya should be proud because it has been given leaders who are accommodating to people's input.

Toni said this meeting would take place on a regular basis, to ensure that the development of Surabaya is going well with all stakeholders in the city of Surabaya.

"Because the leader's job is to define reality, and the Party is ready to support it if it is for the benefit of the people of Surabaya," he said.

Meanwhile, Surabaya Mayor Eri Cahyadi said that in handling COVID-19, the city government could not do it alone, but also involved elements of the community and political parties.

"We have great party leaders. His thoughts can be collaborated and synergized with the city government," he said.

According to Eri, the city government and political parties have the same goal, namely that the people of Surabaya can prosper and be happy in their own city and not become spectators in their own city," he said.