Prosecutors Detain Members Of West Tanjung Jabung DPRD Suspect Of Palm Oil Theft

JAMBI - The Tanjung Jabung Barat (Tanjabbar) District Attorney's Office, Jambi, has detained a member of the Tanjabbar DPRD, Budi Azwar, as a suspect in the theft of palm oil belonging to PT Produk Sawit Indo (PSI).

The Golkar politician was detained after the second phase of the transfer of the suspect and evidence by investigators of Sub-Directorate III of the General Criminal Investigation Directorate (Ditreskrimum) of the Jambi Police to the public prosecutor of the Tanjabbar Kejari, Wednesday, September 15.

After undergoing the second phase of delegation, at around 17.00 WIB, the suspect Budi Azwar was immediately escorted out of the Tanjabbar Kejari office wearing an orange prison vest.

Handcuffed, Budi Azwar was taken to the Tanjabbar Police Headquarters. Until there is a court decision, Budi Azwar's detention is entrusted to the Tanjabbar Police Headquarters.

"We have left the suspect's detention at the Tanjabbar Police Headquarters," said Head of the Tanjabbar Intelligence Section, Arnol Saputra, quoted by Antara.

In this case, Budi Azwar was named a suspect in his capacity as chairman of the Pelangi Jaya Multipurpose Cooperative (KSUPJ). Three other KSUPJ administrators have already been named as suspects, and have already been on trial.