Following BI's Order, Bank DKI Customers Are Asked To Replace Chip ATM Cards

JAKARTA - Bank DKI BUMD asked its customers to replace non-chip or magnetic stripe ATM cards to chip-based ATM cards. This implements Bank Indonesia Circular Letter Number 17/52/DKSP dated December 30, 2015.

The Corporate Secretary of Bank DKI, Herry Djufraini, said that customers can visit the Bank DKI office to replace their ATM cards until October 31, 2021.

"The process of replacing a non-chip ATM card with a chip ATM card is also quite easy and free of charge. For Bank DKI customers, replacement can be done at the nearest Bank DKI service office," said Herry in his statement, Wednesday, September 15.

Customers are required to bring an identity card, namely KTP for Indonesian citizens (WNI) or KITAS/KITAP for foreign citizens (WNA) and a non-chip ATM card to be replaced.

Herry explained that the replacement of chip-based ATM cards was carried out to improve the security of ATM/Debit card transactions, both from the customer side, shops/merchants, and banks as service providers.

Chip technology-based cards, according to Herry, are relatively safer to use than transactions using magnetic stripe-based cards because they reduce the risk of customer data theft and skimming transactions.

"Non-chip ATM cards that have not been replaced within the specified time limit will be permanently blocked," he said. He continued, the Jakcard prepaid smart card service is also available on Bank DKI ATM cards. So, customers can use the features of both cards.

"Every Bank DKI ATM card holder can also connect to Bank DKI's digital banking services through the JakOne Mobile application. Customers only need to select the Add Account menu in the application, enter the ATM card number and PIN, and ensure the similarity of the mobile phone number," he added.