Lurah Grogol Selatan Deactivated Due To Making E-KTP Djoko Tjandra

JAKARTA - Head of Grogol Selatan Urban Village, South Jakarta, Asep Subah has been suspended from his office after the problem of obtaining an electronic identity card (e-KTP) from the Cessie Bank Bali case, Djoko Tjandra.

This was confirmed by the Mayor of South Jakarta, Marullah. "Yes, (Head of South Grogol Urban Village Asep Subhan) was deactivated because of that problem (Djoko Tjandra)," said Marullah when confirmed, Friday, July 10.

Marullah said that Asep was temporarily dismissed because he was a related party who needed to be asked for information in the search for Djoko Tjandra, who escaped and had returned to Indonesia to take care of his e-KTP.

"We're checking again. So, (the Asep Subuhan examination) will be completed first. The village head office needs service. The lurah is still being called here and there, while we first find someone else (as a substitute)," he said.

As is known, suddenly Djoko Tjandra made a scene in this country again. Djoko Tjandra has been a fugitive in the Cessie Bank Bali case since 2009. After being slippery like an eel, Joko shocked the public again because he was known to have entered Indonesia and submitted a case review (PK) related to his case at the South Jakarta District Court.

Djoko also had time to apply for an e-KTP. It turns out that Djoko's e-KTP can be issued as fast as 'lightning'. This case put Asep Subhan, Head of South Grogol Urban Village and the Director General of Population and Civil Registration, Zudan Arif Fakhrullah in the spotlight.

Quoted from, June 3, 2020, Asep was contacted by Djoko's lawyer named Anita. He asked if Pak Djoko's KTP was still registered in Grogol Urban Village. Asep requested and checked Djoko's National Identity Number (NIK) in the population system in Grogol Selatan Village. It turns out that Djoko is still listed as a resident of South Grogol.

Djoko's KTP is also not electronic (e-KTP). Therefore, for printing, it has to go through the recording of the ID card which Djoko must attend directly to the One Stop Integrated Service (PTSP) in his sub-district. At that time, the system did not record Djoko's status as a fugitive from the Attorney General's Office.

Djoko and his lawyer also came to the PTSP of Grogol Selatan Village on June 8, 2020. Director General of Dukcapil, Zudan said the Dukcapil data base recorded Djoko's KTP-el at 07.27 WIB. Then the printing was done at 08.46 WIB.

"So it takes approximately 1 hour 19 minutes to make the E-KTP. Currently, there are so many making of e-KTP that can be completed in less than 1 hour," said Zudan.