The Struggle To Move On Can Fail, This Is The Reason Why You Shouldn't Come To Your Ex's Wedding
JAKARTA - Your ex is married and invites you, it is very natural if this makes you confused whether to come or not. On the one hand you may want to come and see him one last time on his happy day, but on the other hand you also want to stop thinking about your ex. There are many reasons not to come to an ex's wedding that can serve as motivation.
Sometimes, we need motivation to do something so that in the future we don't regret the decisions we make. Some of the reasons why you shouldn't come are as follows!
Can make it fail to move onMost people choose to move on by no longer meeting the people they once loved. If you are one of the types who can fail to move on just because of a smile from him, then you should not come to his wedding.
Because this will make you feel more memorable and difficult to move on when you see him happy with someone else. So, you shouldn't have to torture yourself.
Makes you feel uncomfortableYou have to remember the reason why you don't come to your ex's wedding, because it's usually not just strangers who come to your ex's wedding. It could be that there is a family there who has met and knows you so it will cause feelings that are not at all comfortable.
Especially if suddenly the person who knows it actually reminisces about the two of you in front of the new partner of the ex. Then this will create discomfort among you.
Opening old woundsFor the majority of people who broke up with their ex-spouse amicably, then this is not a big deal when it comes to an ex's marriage. But for those who broke up not on good terms then coming to the ex's marriage will only open the wound.
In addition, you may also feel emotions that you shouldn't. So, instead of experiencing emotions that make you not in the mood, it's the right choice if you don't come to your ex's wedding.