It Is Enough That Achmad Yurianto Is The Spokesperson For Handling COVID-19

JAKARTA - The public has recently seen the face and voice of Reisa Broto Asmoro, who is now a partner for the Spokesperson for COVID-19 Handling Achmad Yurianto (Yuri) to convey information related to the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia.

However, Reisa's appearance was considered not substantive in conveying information on the development of the COVID-19 pandemic and only seemed to be a sweetener.

"Since the beginning, the emergence of spokespersons other than Achmad Yurianto has indeed seemed to sweeten the nuances while substantial things have not been improved," said Telkom University communication lecturer Dedi Kurniasyah to VOI, Friday, July 10.

Dedi said, instead of adding a new spokesperson, what should be addressed is the delivery of reasons for recovery so that the public can follow suit, a detailed explanation of the zoning for the spread of COVID-19, and an explanation of all government regulations to contain the spread of the virus.

"Also the spokesperson needs to convey what the government has done as well as clear and in line instructions with the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19," he said.

He considered Reisa's stiffness when speaking when delivering information could be because he or the task force communication team had actually run out of material to inform the public.

"So it is better if the spokesperson is only one person. Achmad Yurianto is sufficient. He has been (the spokesman, ed) since the beginning. What is needed is not the person but the message that is conveyed," he said.

It is known, Reisa Broto Asmoro was introduced to the public as one of the spokesperson teams since Monday, June 8 during a press conference on the development of COVID-19 which was broadcast at 15.30 WIB.

"I was accompanied by a doctor who has been actively involved in COVID-19 prevention education, doctor Reisa Broto Asmoro. He will provide information and education related to the prevention of COVID-19," Yurianto said introducing Reisa.

When confirmed, Yuri said she would announce the daily progress of handling COVID-19 with Reisa from today until the next time. "(The announcement of the development of COVID-19) is done together. Reisa is more towards education, I am on data performance," he said.

Summarized from various sources, the woman whose full name is Reisa Kartikasari Broto Asmoro is a doctor who practices at the Beauty Clinic in South Jakarta.

In 2010, she was a finalist for Puteri Indonesia, a representative from DI Yogyakarta province. From this contest, she received the title Putri Indonesia Lingkungan 2010. She also participated in the Miss International 2011 contest.

Now, Reisa appears to host Dr. OZ Indonesia in a private television station. He is also active on Instagram social media, with a number of followers or followers of 1.5 million people.

Today, Reisa explained that the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19 had categorized areas into green, yellow, orange, and red categories according to their epidemiological indicators.

He also advised the public about carrying out daily activities with new habits amid the COVID-19 pandemic.