KPI Submits Cases Of Alleged Sexual Harassment To The Police

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) Mulyo Hadi Purnomo stated that KPI had fully handed over the handling of the case to the police.

"We submit that the police process is running as it should. We want to resolve this case in accordance with the legal channels in force in Indonesia," said Mulyo at the Komnas HAM Office, Menteng, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, September 15.

According to Mulyo, his party did not make much effort in dealing with bullying and sexual harassment that occurred between employees.

"So we didn't put much effort into it," he said.

Including the allegation that the MS victim had reported a case of bullying and harassment that she experienced to one of her superiors. Mulyo said that it was also the authority of the police to conduct an investigation.

"It's a matter of the police who will be able to reveal it later because we cannot delve into such issues. We submit it, if we do, we will make justifications right or wrong. Let the police all do it," said Mulyo.

When asked about the internal investigation conducted by KPI, Mulyo replied that the investigation was only aimed at the interests of the agency. For example, if KPI is asked by Commission I of the DPR regarding this harassment case, it already has an answer. However, KPI is still waiting for an investigation conducted by the police.

"If we don't know it at all, it feels strange, how come this is suspected to have happened at KPI, why can't we convey that. We are also seen to be wrong. So we are just digging up basic information, but further processes and details are related to deepening and We will leave this investigation to the police," he said.

The case of sexual harassment at KPI emerged after the alleged victim, MS, wrote an open letter which went viral on Wednesday, September 1.

MS in the article admitted that he had been a victim of bullying by his co-workers since working at KPI in 2012. Then in 2015 he was sexually harassed by five of his co-workers.

MS admitted that he had reported this to his superiors and the Gambir Police in 2019, but the report was never followed up.

After the open letter went viral, KPI and the police started to investigate this case. KPI has disabled 8 alleged perpetrators of sexual harassment and bullying against MS to facilitate investigations.