Mud And Culvert Covers Are Scattered On Roads, Drain Repair Can Be A Disaster

JAKARTA - Mud soil material from the excavation of waterways on Jalan Cempaka Putih Barat XXVI, Cempaka Putih Subdistrict, Central Jakarta is still seen piling up on the road and covering the sidewalk. Apparently, this condition has become the attention of local residents. Residents feel that their activities are disrupted, and are considered a danger to pedestrians and motorcyclists.

Utomo, Head of RT 05/012 said that the accumulation of mud on the sidewalks is very concerning. Worried, said Utomo, that the mud that had been scattered for three days could harm road users, and was not pleasing to the eye.

"This material should have been transported directly and not left here. It has not been transported for three days," Utomo told reporters at the mud accumulation site, Tuesday, September 14.

The impact of the dredging of the mud from the construction of the canal that is placed on the pedestrian is actually detrimental to pedestrians. The reason is, pedestrians have to walk on the shoulder of the road which is very dangerous.

"This is a big road, what happens if you get hit by another vehicle. We hope that the mud problem will soon be resolved. Heavy excavators should not be placed on pedestrians, especially since it has not been built for two years," he said.

It was confirmed separately, Head of Section (Kasie) of Central Jakarta Water Resources Sub-Department (SDA) Development, Martinet Feelix admitted that his party had not carried out direct field checks.

He said the canal construction project could be canceled and reported to the Head of the Central Jakarta SDA Sub-Department (Kasudin) regarding the rise of pedestrian complaints.

Reportedly, a number of pedestrians in the West Cempaka Putih area complained about the construction of the canal. because the pedestrians used to walk are covered in mud and heavy equipment on Jalan Cempaka Putih Barat XXVI, Central Jakarta.

Rian (26), one of the pedestrians who often pass through the area, admitted that he regretted that the construction of the canal was not followed by maintaining the comfort for pedestrians.

"It can be seen, the mud is just playing with it, heavy equipment too. It's okay to build it, but not like this, which is considered careless," complained Rian at the same location.